Sunday, May 19, 2024

Social Anxiety

 Social anxiety is something that I deal with every day. As much as I want to be more active and social, sometimes the thought of going out to some place where I don't know many people is crippling.  Once I get out of the house and get to a destination, I'm usually fine.  It's the anticipation of it that stinks. Often, I don't go anywhere at all just so I don't have to deal with those kinds of feelings.  I really don't know where this comes from.  It probably dates back to my childhood but who knows. Sometimes I really do not want to explore the origins of it but then there are other times when I want to pinpoint the exact moment it began.  Ah, well.

As much as I want to meet new people, the fear of rejection really does prevent that most times.  As you know, I love to cook.  I would love to invite new people over to share a meal with, but I get so afraid of no one wanting to show up that I never do.  And then I figure out that I wouldn't be entertaining enough to sustain a conversation, etc. It just snowballs and so I don't do it.  I know in my heart that this won't last, but these kinds of feelings do creep up every now and then.  I guess that I'm just going to have to face my fears and put myself out there.  I need to take up some space in this journey we call life. And the best way not to do it alone is to put myself in situations where I can build a tribe.  Then, maybe, these feelings of inadequacy will be alleviated. 

That is all. 

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