Friday, May 24, 2024

Checking my school email

 Right now, I don't check my school email as often as I should.  Part of that is because I just needed a break from school, which I have had, and it's been nice.  Another reason is simply because there is little activity of importance going on in my school email, so I simply am not there a lot right now.  A few weeks ago, I did have to go back and check because I needed to update my study plan and get my advising code, both of which I do through email. 

Well, the other day I logged on and I'm so thankful I did.  There was an email with the subject "Congratulations! You've been awarded..." Of course, I was intrigued. I open up the email and, lo and behold, I have been awarded a scholarship.  Yay!! It is the same scholarship that I received last year. It is not for the same amount that I received last year but, to be honest, my expenses will not be as much as I only have two classes left.  But this will still cover almost half of my costs and that is such a relief.

The scholarship is for people who work in senior living.  The family of a woman who suffered from dementia and lived in a care community in Greensboro, not Heritage Greens but Well Spring, set up the scholarship in her honor for people who work in care communities.  I am thrilled and honored to receive this scholarship again.  It will help more than they know.  And I wrote them a nice note thanking them for this assistance with my education.

So, I will be checking my school email a little more often now on my break from school.  Who knows what is in there that I will benefit from!

That is all. 

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