Wednesday, May 8, 2024

I spend too much time on the internet


I spend too much time on the internet.  While I do enjoy it, it is definitely something that I need to cut down on.  I do not feel badly about the amount of time I am on there, but I want to go in a different direction with my life right now.  When class was in session, going online was my social interaction.  And it filled a gap that I needed at the moment.  Now that class is over, I need to change the vehicle of my social interactions into something real. I am not saying that social interaction online is a bad thing by any means, it is simply that for a time it was my only form of social interaction and I want something more concrete in life.

It is not as if I am going to start going out every night.  I do not have the time, money or energy for that anymore.  But I would like to make some meaningful relationships appear in my life and give me something to do and look forward to.  I can use the social interactions that I have developed online and make them into something real.  I just do not want to rely solely on the internet for my socialization. Last night, as I was chatting online with people, I realized that I was not enjoying myself.  I did not get depressed about it, but I did get disillusioned over it.  I did not like how that felt. It definitely could have gotten me depressed but I did bring myself out of that before it started really.  Whew.

While I have no clear plan on how to make this kind of socializing happen, it is time for me to start working on a plan.  Today I will begin to cut back on my internet time.  Even then, I will have some more time for things that I enjoy even if it is by myself.  Who knows how this will go.  But it's a start anyhow! That is all. 

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