Sunday, February 4, 2018

And here it is, the end of another week.  I have not gotten the chance to write on my blog in awhile, so I figured that I would simply do a weekly summary instead this time.  If that makes me lazy, so be it LOL

My week started off with beginning my new position at work on Monday.  I am now the supervisor of housekeeping at Heritage Greens.  As I have said previously, this isn't exactly the job I was anticipating when I graduated last year, but life has a way of working itself out.  The positives outweigh the negatives right now.  I have a job that pays, so that's good.  I am working with the elderly, which is what I have wanted to use my degree for anyway.  I have been promoted within the company in less than six months of being there, so people are definitely taking notice of me.  These are all good things and I am proud of the work that I have done and will continue to do.  I will be training for awhile, so I am not sure what all I will be doing in this job.  Gotta love a challenge. 

Also this week, Dad had another heart procedure.  That's definitely stressful for all of us.  But, he came through very well.  Thanks to June's son, Mark, for keeping Bill and me posted on the surgery.  It was frustrating that I had just started my new job when all of this happened.  I have talked to Dad several times since then and he sounds pretty good.  He's had a stomach bug which has zapped his energy some, but all in all I think that things are looking up.  One of the nice things about my job is that I won't have to work many weekends, so I am planning on going to Angier next weekend to see Dad and June. 

I joined the handbell choir at church this week.  Having loved handbells ever since I could walk, I was very excited that they were starting up a new choir, needless to say.  It's been a while since I had rung bells, so I was looking forward to it.  Many of my favorite memories of church in Monroe are because of the handbell choir.  Well, there are definitely different skill levels among these ringers and the music is pretty simple so far.  But, it's a great starting place and I hope that this will help build enthusiasm for the group.  Our scheduled time is going to need some adjustment for me.  We are supposed to start at 6 and ended up not starting until around 6:30, which really frustrated me.  Oh well.  I will survive LOL

Speaking of church, my new job's schedule is freeing me up to get back into the swing of things with church, which I am glad of.  This morning, I decided to dress up for church.  Most people do not at College Park.  It's very relaxed and that's fine.  Growing up at FBC, though, one would never dare come to church in jeans or shorts haha  Truth be told, I do enjoy having something like that to dress up for time to time.  I may not do it every week, but it was fun today.  I go to the 11 a.m. service because it's the more traditional service and that's what I enjoy.  Every now and then, though, they sneak in some of that contemporary stuff and I don't always care for it.  I can appreciate it, but it doesn't mean I have to like it.  For example, today while we were singing "Joyful, Joyful We Adore Thee" they added some extra accompaniment.  We were singing straight from the hymnal, so some of it worked.  The trumpet followed the melody and I think people sang louder because of that.  However, I did not feel like the bongo drums enhanced the hymn at all.  I didn't like it.  Period.  Call me old fashioned.  It just didn't fit and I found it annoying.  Oh well.

That has essentially been my week.  I'm waiting on chicken to finish cooking right now, so that's always exciting.  I hope everyone had a great week and let's see what next week has in store.

Take care!

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