Monday, February 19, 2018

It's nice to have a decent paycheck again, I have to admit.  I'm not making huge amounts of money, but more so than I was before my promotion.  And I am enjoying my job and am learning a lot, which is great.  But the thought of not living paycheck to paycheck for awhile is immensely wonderful.  It will take me awhile to build up my savings, but that's an obtainable goal right now.  It'll be good to have some savings of my own for a change.  I have not been good with money as an adult and I am ready to be.  My lessons have been learned and it's time to put that knowledge to use.

It was just such a wonderful feeling to know that I will be able to pay my bills on time this month.  I always pay them, but not always on time.  And I'll still have money left to live on.  Yippee!  I went to the gas station this morning before going to work to put some gas in my car.  I filled it all the way up.  I have not filled up my tank completely since right after graduation.  What a great feeling that was, knowing I could do that and not spend my last dime. Of course, filling up an SUV costs a bit, but it was worth it.  I had a sense of accomplishment about it.  Odd, I know.  But I worked hard for this check and was happy to spend it this way.

It's just nice feeling like I'm getting back on track.  Sometimes I feel like I am where I am supposed to be, doing what I'm supposed to be doing.  I hope that feeling lasts for a long time.

That is all.

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