I do enjoy church. I enjoy the ritual of it. It's not for everyone and that's fine. But there was a time in my life where going to church was central to my existence and I miss that. Of course, that was 30 years ago, but still the memory is there. It may never be the same as how I remember it, but I can go into it knowing it will be a different experience and yet, still satisfying to me.
The church I started going to a few years ago is great but I somehow still feel like an outsider every time I go. What it boils down to is 2 different things. One, I don't have any family or close friends that go there and it gets lonely sitting on a pew by myself. Sure, I know people there, but that's different. It would be nice to have someone to share this experience with. I use to sit in the same pew every Sunday and I started to notice that I was always by myself there. There were times that the group of people that sat on the pew behind me would cram 12 people in that pew and here I sat all alone. It kind of sucked. The other things is that I don't know how to give back to the church here. I'm not talking about tithing, which I can't really afford right now. But I want to be involved and I just don't know how...nothing has panned out that I have tried. I joined a committee that faltered after a few months because we didn't know exactly what we were supposed to be. I joined the handbell choir and that became a point of contention with me...not because of the ability of the choir, but of the lack of commitment from its members. I eventually gave that up as well and if you know how much I love handbells, you can understand how disappointing that was.
Anyway, I need to figure this out. I will probably go back in the near future to see if I can find some level of comfort there. Until then, I'll keep it between God and myself.
That is all
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