I have really got to set some good, obtainable physical goals for myself this summer. I don't listen to my body enough and I need to start doing that. Now that I have finally started to listen to myself mentally and emotionally more, it's time to start on the physical side. I know that people always make goals about exercise and weight, so why not me? I do not necessarily want to lose weight but it couldn't hurt. When I look at any kind of chart online that shows what my weight should be based on my age and height, I'm always about 30 lbs off. Oh well LOL I don't mind being bigger but I don't really like where the weight goes. Michael and I were talking about this a few weeks ago. He's lost good weight over the past year. Exercising more and eating better, which is what I need to do. But when he gains weight, it's usually in his hip area or the sides of his torso. Mine is not. Mine goes straight for the belly. I gain weight forward while he gains weight on the sides. So, it's time to start chipping away at that. I can only suck in my gut for so long before it becomes extremely uncomfortable LOL
The odd thing for is that I actually enjoy physical activity....I just don't do it much. I can procrastinate and make excuses with the best of them. I'm very good at rationalizing. I'm on my feet most of the day at work is always a good one for me. Or once I'm home from a long day at work, the last thing I want to do is go back outside. Or I get so much done in the mornings I'm not sure I can afford that time to go for a walk. Ah, I'm so good at that. Haha. So I simply need to slap myself the next time I hear those words coming out of me.
I also want to work on my eating habits. Now, as you know I LOVE to cook. But what I want to focus on, and we have been working on this a lot, is portion control. How much I take in each meal has decreased, which is good. I use to eat several huge plates of food each meal. Now, if I go back for seconds, it's not nearly as bad.....usually LOL I'm learning that if I slow down when I eat, then I eat less. I've always been a fast eater....it's a Fornes thing...so I know now that when I take my time I am more satisfied and full with less food.
It's not necessarily about what I eat but how much. Now, what I eat is important. We have cut back on carbs a great deal and that has made a difference. It's hard though because I love potatoes and rice. And, frankly, they're pretty damn cheap comparatively. Still, we try to have those only once a week, sometimes twice but normally that's all these days. When we were coming home from our long weekend last weekend, we listened to an interesting story on NPR about how we, as a society, are addicted to preservatives and processed foods. That is so true. It's what I grew with a lot. And, again, there's nothing wrong with that it is simply a question of moderation. I will never not use pre made food products because, frankly, I don't always have time to cook up a pot of cream of mushroom soup because I need it for a casserole. It just ain't gonna happen. What I need to do is, when I'm going to cook something, go over the recipe and try to reduce as many processed things that I can. It's possible and I do love a good challenge in the kitchen!
After our vacation last weekend, I was all ready and gung ho about working on these improvements. My body, however, had other ideas. It's been a long week but at least I have had more time to think on what I'd like to work on. Hopefully my body will cooperate this week and I can begin implementing some of my ideas. And I welcome any hints and suggestions!
Take care!
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