Saturday, April 9, 2022

Around The House - Grandmother's Easter Eggs

 Now that Easter is a week away, it's time for me to go out to the garage and find my Easter decorations.  I don't have a lot of Easter decor, but I have enough to make the house feel decorated.  My favorite ones that I have though are the Easter eggs that Grandmother made.  

Some time in the mid 80's she started painting these eggs.  Several times a week you could find her in the ceramics room at the Ellen Fitzgerald Senior Center.  Now, I know I've shown you many of the beautiful ceramic pieces she painted for Christmas, but the eggs are beautiful too.  And one of the things I love about them is that they are all free hand.  The designs on them she created herself.  Some are quite good.  Painting is a talent I didn't get, so I truly appreciate her abilities.

She loved giving these eggs as gifts.  Not only to her family but to her many friends.  Chances are, if you knew Grandmother, you may have an egg of hers somewhere in her collection.  And she almost always signed them, which is wonderful.

I have several egg cartons of these eggs and I absolutely cherish them.  I hope that one day I can pass these along to some of my family who will love them as much as I do.

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