Sunday, June 11, 2023

Excited About Cleaning Products

 These days, I am finding myself getting excited about cleaning products.  I think it may because the end result from using said products is very self satisfying and I will take all of that I can get!  It reminds of Christmas when I would receive a gift of a new set of cookware or something else for the house.  Put that under the tree anytime and I will be totally satisfied!  Anyway, now that I'm doing...or at least trying to do...more cleaning on my own, I am always on the look out for new products and also revisiting old ones.

One of my coworkers told me about this paste called "The Pink Stuff".  She uses it all the time and it's good for most all surfaces.  And I definitely need that, especially in places like the shower.  Admittedly, I'm not good about cleaning my shower on a regular basis and I totally have to get over that...but that's a story for another time.  Anyway, I trust Bowanna (my coworker) especially when it comes to cleaning.  She's always cleaning something, either at home or at work. So, I bought a small container of The Pink Stuff.  It sat under my sink for a few weeks and then, yesterday, I decided to give it a try.  Not in the shower, but on my stove top.  Cleaning my stove top just happened to be on my Saturday list, so there you go.  Let me tell you, this stuff is great!  It did not take much paste to get the job done and the stove top looks fantastic.  Well, it looks fantastic to me, but it will need regular cleanings to keep up.  I can do that, right?  Hmmmmm I see another list in my future LOL  So, check that one out!

I also treated myself to a new mop and absolutely love it!  Most of you know that I have an elderly dog and frankly, he pees a lot.  I try my best to clean up after him but it's a constant job.  Michael had gotten us a steamer for the floors years ago and, while it works well, it doesn't always take care of things as much as I'd like.  Sometimes, after using it, the kitchen just smells like hot piss.  Oh well.  I don't mean to sound unsanitary, but that's life with an elderly dog and I would NOT have it any other way right now.  Anyhow, a new mop was in order and Bowanna, again, gave me this recommendation.  It's so easy to use and did a great job.  The hardest part of it was emptying out the bucket when I was done.  Luckily the bath tub is big enough that I can dump it all out without having dirty water all over the floor. Another score for cleaning!

I also bought some rug deodorizer for the living room rug.  Same reason, but again, I'm taking care of it as best I can.  This was also extremely easy to use.  The smell is reminiscent of baby powder, but that's fine with me.  I don't mind at all.  And it worked.  I think I may need to use it on a more regular basis because Squirt's been peeing on pads on that rug for awhile now, but yes it definitely works.

And now that Michael has his own apartment, I have been able to start using Pledge again.  I do enjoy a nice furniture polish!  It's citrus scented and I love the smell of it.  It does a fantastic job of making the furniture look better and takes away so much dust!  Michael has a hard time with artificial smells and I could never use it.  Now that he's not here, I can and I love it.  The only problem is that it can be very slick.  I was polishing a drop leaf table and some of the Pledge got on the floor.  Let me tell you, every time I walked on that section of the floor I had to be careful or I'd slip and fall!  

So, it seems like the older I get, the more I am enthralled with a new cleaning product!  Or revisiting a beloved one from years ago LOL  Now I want to search for a good toilet bowl cleaner! It's the little things that matter right now.  And I'll take that!  

That is all.

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