Monday, January 8, 2024



I woke up last night around 1:00 a.m. and immediately did not feel good.  I could tell that my sinuses were draining.  Fun fun!!!  And it totally caught me off guard because I felt absolutely fine when I went to bed.  Needless to say, the rest of my night's sleep was not very good.  I would wake up several times an hour feeling the drainage.  Just not pleasant.  

This morning when I finally got out of bed at 5:30, I was tired because I didn't sleep well.  I drank a lot of water while I brewed my morning coffee and took some sinus meds.  Not really looking forward to work since I didn't feel good, but I didn't feel bad enough to call in sick.  And then, on top of that, my class starts today so I knew I would begin the fun that is homework.  Yippee.

But, as I was having my coffee and checking emails through the sinus sniffles, I decided I was not going to let not feeling well interfere with my spirit.  In the past, I have gotten very depressed when I've been sick.  And I've gotten that way for a multitude of reasons.  I decided that I was not going to let not feeling well bring me down.  I knew that once I got to work and started moving around, I would feel better.  And I was right.  My day at work was actually pretty productive and I didn't even think about my sinuses.

I had dinner and I got homework done, so it's been a good day even now that the drainage has moved down into my chest more.  I don't sound bad and am hoping my body will get rid of the drainage soon.  Not the most pleasant thought, I realize, but it is what it is.  And I allowed myself to be ok while I didn't feel great.  That may not sound like much to most people, but to me it's pretty huge.

That is all.  

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