Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Thought of the Day - Verification

As you all know, I am very old fashioned about many things.  I love that part of myself and always think that I was born for a different time.  Now, in this age of technology, I do understand the importance and 
convenience of computers and such things.  However, I am so tired of having to verify my identity at every turn.  Why?  Checking my graduate school email requires a verification code entered into an app that I had to download.  Just to find out things about my classes. 

One of my personal email accounts wants me to add more verification to my log in with face recognition or fingerprints or another code.  NO!!!!  Half of my household accounts text me a code to enter to prove that I am who I say that I am....so that I can give them money.  I am really tired of having to constantly prove myself to the internet world. 

I spent a good 20 years (and I'm going to be 50 soon so that's a decent chunk of my life) figuring out who I was.  And now at every turn you want me to prove myself?  No, thank you.  If what you're offering requires me to download something or for you to text me a code of approval each and every time, then I am not interested. 

Sunday, September 22, 2024

Quote of the Week

 I am always needing quotes of inspiration.  Over the past few weeks I have really needed them due to a health condition that I was diagnosed with and am still waiting on answers about.  I will persevere and triumph but in the meantime, I need to keep my morale up. 

Daily Challenge - still in the office

 Still working on cleaning out the office.  It is coming along nicely, and I have gotten several things moved out so far. Let me tell you, having those pads that go under furniture so that you can slide it across the floor is a godsend!!  But it has to be done so I will take all of the help I can get. Moving my records was not difficult but it took time.  For the last year or so I have been slowly putting my records into alphabetical order.  I do love things in sequence LOL And so I had to make sure that I kept them in that order while moving them in shifts and then getting them put back correctly onto the shelves.  Admittedly, I found that quite satisfying LOL

I will be leaving the secretary in the office unless we discover it's just too tight a fit once Jason moves in.  Keep your fingers crossed on that one!  Still, things are coming along nicely, and I am quite satisfied with my progress. Considering that I am working all the time, have school daily and some health issues going on, I am very pleased.  I am not overdoing and will ask for assistance when needed, though.  I guarantee you that!  So, time to get something else carted out of the office!

That is all. 

Saturday, September 21, 2024

One Drawer at a Time - Putting things in better places


One of the things I feel like I am accomplishing during this process is finding better places to keep things. So much of my stuff is just placed where it is simply because it's a surface or drawer.  It is definitely not the best place for it to be but it's convenient.  Now, I can take the time and say "this works better over there" and things like that.

It's easier for me to find a better home within my home for things when I can take my time and really think about what it is I am doing. That may sound silly, but it works.  For instance, I have lots of books.  And one day I will get around to reading them all LOL. But these are books from my entire life.  Books from childhood, books I inherited from Grandmother and her sisters, books I have collected, books from school, etc.  Lots and lots of books.  My secretary has a bookcase top, so now I keep books there.  I never have before because Grandmother didn't.  She displayed cups in there.  While I love that idea, putting books in there feels more appropriate for me and I love how it looks.

And that does mean that some things need to be packed away for another day.  I have made a good bit of room out in the garage, so I am good with that happening.  One day I'll get back into the garage to deal with that stuff.  But, for the meantime, I am happy working inside and getting things put into places where they belong. It feels good.

That is all. 

Thursday, September 19, 2024

In Whatever Time We Have - Stephen Schwartz

 This is a beautiful song from the musical Children of Eden, and this is a beautiful arrangement of it. I feel the sentiment of this song a great deal right now.  I hope you enjoy it!

Monday, September 16, 2024

Softly and Tenderly

 One of my all-time favorite hymns and I absolutely love this version!

Sunday, September 15, 2024

One Drawer at a Time - Back in the office again


Well, here I am back in the office again taking things one drawer at a time.  As I mentioned before, this time is different because I am actually cleaning out the room for Jason to move it.  So far, I have gotten a few things gone through and moved out.  It is a slow process, but it will get me where I need to be in time. 

One of the things this time I am discovering is I have so many books.  I love books.  That was not always the case as far as reading goes.  But now, as an adult, I do love to read.  I have collected so many books from my family and added my own choices to the mix as well.  But the majority of them I have not read yet. I need to change that.  There is nothing like curling up with a wonderful book and escaping to another world for a while.  That is an upcoming goal for me.

But I am going through things again and getting rid of what I need to.  There's a definite donation pile and a trash pile and then there's everything else.  Going through things brings back such wonderful memories and gives me hope for the creation of new memories.  We shall see how that goes!  

That is all

Saturday, September 14, 2024

Career Lattice Program

 Due to some unexpected circumstances, my vocational goals have changed temporarily.  I work for a very good company, and I really do enjoy my job. I had thought about looking for work elsewhere just to get some experience in other areas and build my skill set.  However, I realized that my last class for my degree, which won't take place until next summer, is either going to require me to be away from my job for about 7 weeks, or it is going to have to be incorporated into my current job.  With that in mind, I realized that I want to stay where I am until I can work all through that. 

On the plus side, Heritage Greens has begun a career lattice program.  That is a program for associates to work and get experience in all of the departments within our community.  That is definitely something I am interested in. I was actually in this program years ago.  But, after our first welcome meeting, the pandemic happened and that was it for the program.  When they decided to do this program, I put in my application and was one of six people chosen.  I am very excited about this.  It will eventually include an increase in pay, but having this experience is going to be great for my career.  

I am excited about being able to grow professionally within where I am now!

Saturday, September 7, 2024

Daily Challenge - Cleaning out the office


Well, we are a week into September already and it's past time for this month's daily challenge.  This month, my daily challenge is to clean out my office.  Why?  Because I have a roommate moving in next month and I need to clear out the space.  It is definitely going to be a challenge because, like all of my rooms, there is more stuff than I think there is.  Who knew?  haha!

Now, while I have been working to clean out my garage, I will probably be putting some things back out there.  I do not see this as a setback because I have actually created more room out there.  But there are some things that cannot go out into the elements of the garage.  My record collection, which is in the office, is going to have to find a home somewhere else inside.  This is all manageable, so I'm not worried.  It really is a matter of getting it done.  I do not have a choice since Jason will be moving in soon, I just do not want to wait til the last minute.  We all know that won't be pretty.  Wish me luck!  I can do it!

Friday, September 6, 2024

Student Adventures - rounding out week 3 of class


I'm in my last year of graduate school, which in itself is pretty amazing to me, and I am finishing up week three of my current class. After this, I will only have my capstone project to tackle and then I will have a masters in gerontology.  Very excited for this!

The class I am currently taking is on elder law.  I have always been fascinated with wills, so I was looking forward to this. My fascination with wills is what got me into doing household inventories, by the way.  Still, I wanted to take this class my first semester of graduate school, but I realized that three classes were going to be a bit much my first time back, especially with working full time.  So, I decided to put it off until later.  Well, later is now!

So far, we have really focused on the importance of estate planning.  This includes wills and trusts and POA's both durable and healthcare.  I have found it most interesting.  I have these documents in place, personally, but taking this class has reminded me that it is probably time to go over them again and alter them where needed.  Actually, I don't have a trust, only a will and the POA's. I don't have enough to warrant a trust LOL But it's interesting to learn about. But even if I did have a lot of money, I think I prefer a will over a trust.

Anyway, I really am enjoying this class and am looking forward to it offers next.  I have to begin work on a research paper, so I am working on picking a topic right now.  So far, so good!  Wish me luck!!

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Three Wooden Crosses - Randy Travis

 I've been listening to a "Best of Randy Travis" cd throughout the day today.  I really do enjoy his music and not just because we're from the same home county LOL  But Three Wooden Crosses is the last track on this cd and it always just gets me emotional (in a good way) and gives me chills.  Enjoy!

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Thought of the day - Dealing with Change

 It seems that some things in my life are changing at a quicker pace than I am used to.  My journey in life is far from over, but right now I am going through some changes, and I don't always deal well with them. So, I was looking around for some inspiration and comfort and came across this.  I like what it says and am going to try and live each day this way.  See you on the other side!