Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Thought of the Day - Verification

As you all know, I am very old fashioned about many things.  I love that part of myself and always think that I was born for a different time.  Now, in this age of technology, I do understand the importance and 
convenience of computers and such things.  However, I am so tired of having to verify my identity at every turn.  Why?  Checking my graduate school email requires a verification code entered into an app that I had to download.  Just to find out things about my classes. 

One of my personal email accounts wants me to add more verification to my log in with face recognition or fingerprints or another code.  NO!!!!  Half of my household accounts text me a code to enter to prove that I am who I say that I am....so that I can give them money.  I am really tired of having to constantly prove myself to the internet world. 

I spent a good 20 years (and I'm going to be 50 soon so that's a decent chunk of my life) figuring out who I was.  And now at every turn you want me to prove myself?  No, thank you.  If what you're offering requires me to download something or for you to text me a code of approval each and every time, then I am not interested. 

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