Sunday, November 17, 2024

Writing as an Escape

 It's a crazy world now, there is no doubt about that.  And just in general, my life is full of ups and downs.  I am sure many of you have the same experience.  I want to start writing again.  Creative writing.  I believe that it will be a good escape for me.  I think that we all need some place or some way to escape from reality for a while. And that is absolutely fine. For me, it will be a form of self-care, and I am a huge proponent of that!

I want to create a place of goodness to escape to.  Not that there isn't goodness in the world today.  There is, it's just not always obvious.  What I am talking about is creating a place that, while some may find mundane and boring, would be beautiful to me.  I look back at television, books, etc. to the places that spoke to me.  Places that made me want to live there.  Where there were problems, but people handled them with the help of others.  Where a sense of community was often more important than the individual.  These places could be funny and touching.  There would be serious moments when people came together to get through.  A community.

Here are some of the types of places I want to pull from:

Mayberry - "The Andy Griffith Show"

Star's Hollow - "The Gilmore Girls"

Prince Edward Island - "Anne of Green Gables"

Lake Wobegon - "Prairie Home Companion"

This might seem silly to others, but to me it is going to be a way that I survive the next few years of my life. That is all. 

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