Monday, March 25, 2013

social failures/successes

i posted something the other day on Facebook about how it was hard for me to be happy for friends' social successes because it makes me focus on my social failures.  i realize this confused alot of people as i was being fairly vague, which i'm very good at on Facebook  haha

When i talk about my social failures, i'm basically meaning that i rarely interact with anyone outside of work or the internet.  The internet has become a crutch for me as far as talking to people and such and it's definitely something i need to work on.  i get very anxious in social situations these days and i use to not be like that.  And the thing is, i really enjoy having people over and doing things, going out and such.  Or at least i use to.  It's just different for me these days as i'm very much out of practice with it.  i can get out there and hang with the best of them, but it takes alot of effort for me to keep it together when i do see people.

There are lots of reasons for this, which i don't really need to get into right now.  But i'm working on those reasons and things will improve.  It just takes time.  That's all.  More to come on this later :)

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