Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Thought for the day - spring break bust

It seems to me that somewhere God is laughing at me.  This is potentially my last spring break ever and it's just been one thing after another.  We decided not to take a trip this year over spring break because we're saving for something later on in conjunction with my graduation and our 10 year anniversary.  That's fine, I'm good with that.  My plan was to stay here and maybe take a few day trips here and there and get some things done around the house that I have been putting off.  So far, I've laid on the couch and surfed the net and been depressed.  Good times.

For the past month, it has felt like spring here in Greensboro.  We've had constant temperatures in the 60's and 70's.  All of sudden, because it's spring break, Mother Nature decides that it is time for colder temperatures again! Woohoo!!  We had some snow and sleet earlier this week. None of it stuck around, but still that's not the point.  Today, we haven't even gotten above freezing and the wind is just vicious.  I finally was able to coax Squirt to go out and thought we'd both turn into ice cubes.  But, of course other than the wind and the sub freezing temps, it's beautifully sunny today.  GRRRRRRR

Monday, I decided to clean out kitchen cabinets and get rid of things we don't use or need.  We've been having some mouse issues with the cold weather and it has gotten worse.  It's obviously no longer one or two mice, but there's got to be a nest somewhere in the wall.  You know me, I love animals, but this has gotten ridiculous.  If they would find somewhere other than my kitchen to poop, it'd be no problem....I could coexist.  But they just don't get it!!!  Mostly they stick to the same cabinets, but now they've ventured out into some of the kitchen furniture.  I opened up a drawer and about hurled.  Needless to say, I put out the humane traps.  They've worked a few times, but it's not enough, so reinforcements are coming in tomorrow. I hate to do it.  Believe me, it really does crush my soul to a degree, but it's just not sanitary.  And I'm tired of having to wash everything all of the time...over and over.  Normally I love to wash dishes but jeez!!!!  If only Michael weren't allergic to the cat and I could bring her in.  She'd have a ball.  Oh well.

And to top that all off, the stress of Monday's mice caused me to have a flare up and, to put it as delicately as possible, Preparation H has become my best friend.  And Ibuprofen.  It hurts to sit, stand and walk.  If you've never experienced this kind of pain before, just imagine having a really hot egg made from shards of glass stuffed up your butt and you have to move in such a way as to not break that egg.  Getting old really does suck sometimes.  Yeah, yeah, I the alternative...blah, blah, blah.

Yes, somewhere God is laughing at me.  Can't wait to see what the rest of spring break has in store.

That is all

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