Thursday, March 30, 2017

Thought for the day

Bleh.  I have been in a funk all week.  I'm not really sure why, but there you have it.  I just feel completely unmotivated right now.  I don't know if I'm scared of what the future holds or doesn't hold for me.  I just don't know.  I do know that I'm worried that something will happen before graduation that could totally screw things up.  This is a normal feeling for people getting ready to graduate I think, but it totally sucks.

This will pass, I'm just ready for it to pass sooner than later.  I have to find some things that will get me out of these feelings and I just do not know what they are yet.  I know some things like getting projects done at the house.  As strange as that may sound, I just exist better when the house is in order and I am so far behind on that.  But it's hard sometimes doing things when I'm home alone.  I get sucked into the computer or Netflix or what have you and then get nothing done.  Then, I feel guilty for not having done anything.  It's a vicious cycle.

I also have one class that is kicking my butt, in a good way though.  Grant writing.  The professor is tough because he knows what he's talking about.  It's good because we'll be coming away with a valuable skill.  It's also a lot of work and sometimes I just can't seem to get focused.  I will get the work done, it's just a matter of making myself focus and doing it.  When graduation is only a few weeks away, it can be hard to focus.  But I know that I have to.

Oh well...onward and upward...eventually.  Let's see if motivation and focus will be my friends today.

That is all

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