Saturday, November 9, 2019

The Facebook diary dilemma

One of the things that I have found very freeing by taking back control from Facebook, is not having to document every little step I make in life.  I now am back to doing things without the worry of "OMG, I have to stop right now and post this on FB!!"  That gets to be exhausting.  And I really do not need the world to know everything about my life every single second of the day.  It is such a relief to have let go of that.

Now, I understand that many people...millions, actually.....enjoy doing this.  That is TOTALLY fine.  It works for them, just not for me anymore.  In many ways, I have always been a very private person.  The persona I put out there is not always who I really am in that moment or what I am feeling.  And while there are times that I need to be like that, documenting my life on FB just enhances that and I end up trying to live up to this expectation I make of myself based on an internet profile.  Not a healthy direction for me.

I do post on FB again, but not in the amount I used to.  I don't have to show you what I make for dinner every night anymore.  Some nights, yes, but not every one!  You don't need to know that I'm at Walgreens.  You don't need to know that I'm juggling my bills this month (which I'm not, by the way).  If I wanted to tell you this, I'll get in touch personally LOL 

As a result, I no longer have to carry my phone with me all of the time.  I actually set it down in another room when I get home.  I don't even use FB on my phone anymore, so if you see me on there that means I'm sitting down at an actual computer, which should explain the delays in responding to messages.  It's nice not to feel the pressure of listing every little thing in my life for the whole world to judge.  I can pick and choose what I share.  Yes, I have always had the power to do this, it's just taken me awhile to figure it out.  Kind of like Dorothy and the ruby slippers!

If I wanted a diary, I'd go out and buy one!

That is all :)

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