Sunday, November 3, 2019

Thought for the day

Last month, I started working on a few goals towards a healthier lifestyle.  Some are small goals, some are larger ones.  I made the goals specific but not unobtainable.  I know myself and if I set the bar too high, I will come crashing down if I don't achieve it.  Now I did set some lofty goals for myself and I will continue to work on them this month.  I was successful in achieving one of my goals for October and I'm very proud of that.  My other goals still need work.  But I'm of the mindset that even though I did not get exactly where I wanted to be with them, I did make some progress and I'm very happy with that.

This month, I will continue on the goal that I achieved in October.  I will make a few more specifications in regards to my other goals simply so that I can help myself get to where I want to be.  I know I can do it.  And the people that I love know that I can do it.  Now, I just have to put down the coffee cup and pick up the water bottle! 

That is all :)

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