Friday, March 20, 2020

Escapades in Adulting - Overspending

As if my bank account was not sparse enough, I am finding myself overspending the past two weeks.  I checked my account this morning and, yes, there's still money in it but I was like "Whoa!  what have I been buying?!"  Of course, with the hysterical atmosphere we live in right now, I have been going to the grocery store a lot more than normal....stocking up on essentials and such.  Now, I'm not overspending on toilet paper...just the usual amount there.  LOL  If I run out of that, I will find a creative way to deal with the situation.  But canned and dry goods.  That's where my money seems to be going.

I know that a lot of people are doing it, not just me.  These are crazy, scary times and we all want to make sure we have what we need.  I think, though for myself, I need to be better about my budget.  I'm thankful that I still have work and an income for the moment.  I'm luckier than some of my friends in that regard right now.  I still need to live within my means however.  This is really teaching me a good deal about how I spend my money and where it goes.  That is a definite positive I am taking from this entire experience.

And, yes, I have also overspent on a few things for myself.  The power of internet shopping can be very enticing.  I will see something that I don't really need but would like to have and think "Why not?  I might as well treat myself to something extra!"  And I end up with a cart full of stuff.  I do put things back but I still make that unnecessary purchase.  Oops!  LOL  I simply need to be more careful where the money goes.  I have gotten caught up in spending before, for other reasons, and I know firsthand what some of the consequences can be. 

Payday is next week, so I will take this opportunity to really sit down and look at the finances.  I might as well start this habit in earnest while I've got the time and means to do it.  We shall see how that goes!

That is all :)

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