Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Putting Christmas Away


Now that the holiday trio of Christmas, New Year and Epiphany are over and done with for another season, it's time to put the decorations away.  I don't every really look forward to taking down Christmas, but I don't exactly dread it either.  I love my Christmas decorations and putting them away affords me another chance to be nostalgic and walk down memory lane.

This morning, I started taking the trees down.  I'm in now rush.  For one, as I just stated, I enjoy looking at everything and revisiting those memories. But also, practically, our bulk trash will not get picked up for another week and a half, so the tree will just sit out at the curb for awhile.  No need to exhaust myself on it.  This year, we did two trees:  a live one and an artificial one.  It worked out well because the live one was quite thick and dense and did not have as much space for ornaments as we normally have.  So, we put the other tree up in the office and I got to enjoy that one every day as well.

Every year as I'm putting away Christmas, I have the same thought....I should really organize all of this as I'm putting it away.  Put like things together.  Label the boxes better.  Write is all down.  I never do it though.  I convince myself that it's a project for warmer weather because I can do it out in the garage...also something that never happens.  But, at least I aspire to it every year LOL  Who knows?  maybe it will be different this year because when I started decorating this season, I couldn't find half of my things and got frustrated.  Ah, well.

Most of what I put out this year is down now and packed away.  There were new memories made that are now tucked away in my heart.  And, I did pick myself up a few new Christmas items just because I wanted to add to my collection and they were things that I really liked.  And Michael got me another piece of my Nativity set for my birthday, which I absolutely love.  So, all in all, the decorations were good this year.

So, until next season when I do it all over again, Christmas decorations have basically come to an end again.  I enjoyed having them out and I have enjoyed packing them up.  Strange, isn't it?  But there's something satisfying about wrapping these once a year treasures up and knowing that it won't be all that long before they're out again.  Gives me something to look forward to!

That is all

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