Today is the last day of May. It's hard to believe how fast this year is going. Whew! Overall, it has been a good month and I look forward to what June has to offer me and what I have to offer June!
Tuesday, May 31, 2022
Monday, May 30, 2022
Giving myself permission
In the midst of dealing with all that has gone in the world lately, I wanted find something to help me meditate and process. I found this image online. I have heard these kinds of things before but today they speak to me differently. It's time to give myself permission.
Sunday, May 29, 2022
Around The House - The Candy Dish
I often wonder if people still use candy dishes in their homes? I have several throughout our house. Big surprise, I know. Some are actual candy dishes. Some are just dishes that I put candy in. Does anyone else still do this? To me it just feels more like a home if there are dishes around with goodies in them. I find it very comforting.
A lot of my posts about antiques and collectibles will always go back to my family. That's where my love began. This post is no different. My Aunt Sara had a candy dish that was always on her coffee table in her den. It was ceramic. It had a round base with a tall lid that had a ball on top. I'm not sure if she painted it herself, as she did a lot of ceramics painting, or if someone made it for her. I loved it. It was a very mid century modern looking piece which made it stand out among the traditional antiques. I don't know whatever became of it but I do know that it did not go to anyone on our side of the family.
Of course, I could not find a good picture of Aunt Sara's candy dish but I had a clear image in my mind of what it looked like. I went on a hunt to find one. I would look up all kinds of things on ebay: mid century modern candy dish with lid, ceramic 70's candy dish, teardrop/kiss shaped candy dish, etc. I came up with lots of different results but they were not what I was looking for.
I finally found one on ebay. It was bright red and I loved the shape. It was exactly what I remembered Aunt Sara had, albeit a different color. But it was about $40 and it had a chip in it. I did spend some time debating if I wanted to pay that much for something that was broken just to satisfy my memory. I don't mind chips and use many dishes that have cracks and chips. To me, that shows use and love. But did I want to pay $40 for someone else's use and love? Not sure.
Luckily, Ebay has at the bottom of an items page similar items listed. Lo and behold, there was another candy dish there. This one was local, a better price and the exact color I wanted. I put my bid in and waited. I paid $17.50 for it and couldn't be more pleased. When it arrived and I opened the package, I saw that the writing on the bottom of the piece said "To Susan Stack 1972". Now it may just be coincidence, but one of my residents was named Susan Stack and she was from the area where the candy dish came from. I will never know if it belonged to her or not as she has since passed away, but I love the idea that I have this connection to her now.
The candy dish now sits on our coffee table in the living room. And yes, it's full of candy. I cherish it and will one day pass it along to someone else. And so ends today's episode of "Around The House".
That is all.
Saturday, May 28, 2022
A Memory of Making Chicken Salad
Sometimes just doing the most basic of tasks can bring back a memory that has been stored away for a long time. I just love that. It makes me enjoy whatever I'm doing so much more. There is just nothing like a nice walk down memory lane to make me smile. That happened to me today when I was working in the kitchen.
All of my life, practically, Saturdays have been set aside for chores and getting things done around the house, both inside and out. Michael normally handles the outside stuff and I do the inside, but not always. Today I put my list of things to get done on the white board that is on our refrigerator. I got most of it done, including running a few errands.
One of the things on my list was to make chicken salad. Today, I made it out of thigh meat because I had gotten a great deal on boneless, skinless chicken thighs. I actually really enjoy chicken salad with dark meat. The chicken does not tend to dry out as easily as breast meat does, but I still enjoy that as well. Anyway, I made the salad the way that Mom taught me to do it.
The chicken is always poached. That's how she taught me. For one, the chicken tends to stay juicy and you can also get other things done while the chicken is cooking. I always do it on medium heat. It takes a good long time for the water to start boiling, but that way it does not take as long once it starts boiling for the chicken to be done. So, it's just chicken, mayo, pickle relish, salt and pepper and celery.
What brought me down memory lane was the celery. Strange, no? LOL But I had my little cutting board out and was getting ready to chop my celery. I cut each stalk down the middle then sliced it. And while I was doing that, I suddenly remembered how Mom did hers. Not like that. She used scissors. Always. She had this pair of all metal kitchen scissors that she had for as long as I remember. She would cut down the celery twice, so that there were 3 sections. She didn't cut all the way down so that she could hold it easier. Then she would cut the 3 sections across. I don't know why she did this, but it always worked and it was a lot easier than dicing it.
As I was slicing my celery, I thought that at some point I should try it Mom's way. This may be a technique that lots of cooks use, but for me it will always be Mom's way. The chicken salad is in the refrigerator chilling and I will soon transfer it to the yellow tupperware container that Mom always put hers in. Now, I just need to get a good pair of kitchen scissors!
That is all.
Wednesday, May 25, 2022
Trying to Stay Positive Online
Growing up, I had the guilty pleasure of reading the tabloids. Back in those days, the tabloids were confined mainly to the grocery store checkout lanes. They were right there when you first got in the line. The outrageous and fantastical headlines in bold colors screaming at you to read them. By the way, they were often right next to the cigarettes but that's another story. Anyway, when Mom and I would go shopping I would scan the tabloids as we walked by. Then one day she bought me one. I read it cover to cover in one sitting. Even though I was a young teenager, I did not believe what was written there. The stories were so out there but they definitely made for amusing reading. And she started buying me more. For awhile every time she went to the store she would come back with one for me. Usually it was "The National Enquirer" but sometimes it would be others. These were great lessons in creative writing!
I was talking to Lois a few weeks ago about it and how I feel like I'm not just reading these tabloids anymore, I'm living in them. Everywhere I turn there are ridiculous and outrageous stories of things going on in the world. The scary things about these stories is that some are written so well that they become sworn fact for lots of people. And it is also scary because many of these stories are true. There are no boundaries with what people reveal and what people say. That's for another blog, too. These stories seem to come from every possible angle in every possible outlet. And there is not one group to blame for this influx of sensationalism. It comes from all sides of humanity.
The reason I am bringing this up is because 99 times out of 100 these stories and accounts are riddled with violence and hatred in one way of another. Today at work I logged on to my local news's website 4 times. Each time there were between 10 to 15 stories on the front page. Some of the stories changed between times I logged on. But what struck me was that none of these stories had any kind of positive feelings about them. Yes, I realize that the events of yesterday and even the past few weeks and months dictates that things be told. But there was no balance. It was all gloom and doom. Every last story.
I do not exactly try to limit my time on the internet, or at least where I go on the internet. I actually do try not to live my life on the internet because I will miss way too much of what's happening right before me. Anyway, when I am on there, I do my best to keep things upbeat and positive. I was not always like that. When you suffer from depression, having an outlet to express your feelings can be a curse as much as a blessing. I've been cursed in that way many times and so I make a very concerted effort to be someone who's message will make you feel better about whatever you need to feel better about.
Today, my Facebook feed has been filled with anger and sadness from many of my friends. And rightfully so. I, however, chose to put things on my page that were happier. I do that because there is already so much about what happened yesterday that I feel like I just want to balance out the negativity any way I can help. I don't want people to think that I am totally oblivious to what is happening in our world. I don't live with my head in the sand, although sometimes I wish I did. I simply want to use my little corner of social media to give something uplifting to people that may need it. Hell, I need it. I am old fashioned, yes, and make the choice to not use social media for my personal opinions. That does not mean that I never will do that, it is simply not my main focus. I never wanted to write for a tabloid, so why start now?
That is all.
Tuesday, May 24, 2022
The Continuing Adventures of Just A Waiter
Sunday, May 22, 2022
Saturday, May 21, 2022
One of the things that I collect (and may very well be addicted to LOL) is cookbooks. I love reading them. It takes me forever and a day to read a regular book, but I can sit down with a 200 page cookbook and read it in one sitting. I just enjoy it so much. When I read them, I think about making new dishes and which of my friends might enjoy them. I think of what I already cook that would go well with the dishes. I think of what serving dish would look good with it. The list goes on and on.
Whenever we go to the used bookstore, one of the first aisles I gravitate to is the cookbook section. I am always on the lookout for "new to me" cookbooks. And, thankfully, they are never that expensive. I rarely pay more than $1 for one. Occasionally I do, but that hardly ever happens. I am particularly excited when I find local cookbooks. I absolutely love church cookbooks. Of course, I grew up with several First Baptist cookbooks, that I still have. We also had the cookbooks of other churches in Monroe. They were used as fundraisers for most churches and everyone gladly bought one from their friends that attended the different churches. It's just what people did. I also love the local cookbooks that are from civic organizations. Those are mostly different women's groups like sororities, book clubs, junior leagues. Also published for the sake of raising money. I have a good bit of those too.
One of the things I love about these kinds of cookbooks are the names. Every recipe is accompanied by the name of the person who submitted it to the cookbook committee. There's always a cookbook committee! And I love seeing the names repeated over and over throughout the book. I sit and imagine what that person was like. What kind of kitchen they ran at home. What their dinners were like, how they set the table. All sorts of things. And the ones from my home town flood me with memories of people I have known throughout my life. It's my favorite part of these books, actually.
When I sit and read a cookbook, I keep a set of page tabs on hand. This is so I can tag a recipe that I am interested in trying. So if you ever see a cookbook in my home that does not have a colorful display of strips of paper sticking out from the pages, chances are I have not read it yet! Of course, I tend to forget which recipe is in which book which is frustrating. I'll remember a recipe that I really want to make and then forget which book it came from. I have to come up with a better system. Or maybe not. I will normally just find something else in another book to make. It's all good in the end!
I also enjoy cookbooks in which the author shares stories that go along with the recipes. Often times these come from someone who runs an inn or B&B. Sometimes it's a narrative about life. I have one by Pat Conroy like that. I haven't read it yet, but am looking forward to it. Sometimes I enjoy the stories more than the recipes. Vivian Howard's cookbook is a good example of that. It's not that I do not enjoy her recipes. She's a gourmet chef and I am not, so her recipes I find over complicated at times. Still, it's very interesting reading.
My goal with my cookbooks right now is to read all of the ones I have before buying any more. Somehow I doubt that will happen but still it's a goal. And I will gladly accept any cookbooks your getting rid of. I do hate to see a good cookbook go to waste!
That is all.
Wednesday, May 18, 2022
Escapades in Adulting - Just Thinking about Clothes
When I was growing up, every fall and spring I got new clothes. Sometimes they were hand me downs until I out grew Bill's sizes, but I still wore them when I could. Mom and I would venture out to the TJ Maxx just on our side of Charlotte and buy me new clothes. Occasionally I would get something from Belk's, but they were and still are expensive. And sometimes we'd venture to an outlet mall and shop there. Either way, new clothes were a seasonal thing for me. Now, as an adult, not so much LOL I rarely buy new clothes as an adult and when I do, 9 times out of 10, I buy something "new to me" from a thrift store or online.
One of the reasons for this is that I simply do not need many new clothes. I will wear something until it falls apart. Now, I don't wear ratty looking clothes out in public...clothes that are literally falling apart. But I do wear them as long as possible. If they are made well, then they will last. I still have several t-shirts that I have had since high school that are in fantastic shape with plenty of wear left in them. They're already over 30 years old now. You can't say that about most mass produced clothes these days!
By the way, I'm not counting socks and underwear in this discussion. I will not buy those used LOL
I believe that since I was literally growing when I was growing up, I could not keep clothes for long periods of time. I outgrew them. Nowadays, if I outgrow something I blame my diet, which is all under my control so I cannot place the blame on nature. But now I take the time to look for things that will last, so that I get the most out of my clothes. I do not buy things that are trendy but things that are classic, that will not really ever go out of style.
Another reason I don't buy many clothes is that I don't have the space for it. I have one closet that's jam packed and that's after I switch out seasonal stuff. Those things head for a container under the bed. Sometimes I will go through the closet and find stuff to donate because I don't wear it much, or it's now too small...which does happen periodically these days LOL But all in all, I appreciate clothes much more today than I did then. I appreciate quality made items that will last and I will get my money's worth from it. It all goes back to shopping smartly.
Who knows. Maybe one day when I win the lottery I'll become more of a fashion clothes horse. Until then, I'm happy with what I have.
Tuesday, May 17, 2022
Daily Challenge - having a more positive opinion about myself
This week I am challenging myself to have a better personal outlook on myself. Like all of my challenges it is easier said than done. Have a less than stellar opinion of myself started way back in elementary school. If you've ever been the last one picked, you know exactly how that can effect your self esteem. It's not too favorable.
Now, I don't always look down on myself but I do have moments. Granted they are not as frequent as they once were, but they're still harboring in the distance at times. But when I start to feel that way, I've noticed that there are certain phrases that I will use a lot more during that time. I will say things like "I'm not..." or "I can't...". And those phrases are based on fear. While I may not be able to wash away that fear immediately, I do believe that I can start expressing those fears in a more positive way. That may even give me the strength to step outside the box and do something different.
I simply want to think better about myself on a more frequent basis. I have spent so long repeatedly faulting myself instead of forgiving myself that it is time to change. Take a deep breath and start to realize that I have things to contribute. Realize that I am worth a lot more than I give myself credit. Realize that while I cannot change what has passed, I can use that to educate myself about the future. I have many regrets in my life that weigh heavily and it is time for me to lift that burden off of my shoulders and begin shining.
That is all.
Monday, May 16, 2022
I'll Be Seeing You - Bernadette Peters
I watched this concert over the weekend and it's a wonderful performance. Bernadette is one of those singers I would love to see live one day. Maybe one day she'll tour again! Anyway, with all of the wonderful showtunes from her career that she sings, this song is the one that struck a chord with me this weekend. Enjoy!
Sunday, May 15, 2022
Recipe of the Day - Easy Strawberry Cake
I'm posting this recipe again because it's strawberry season. I found this recipe on one day while I was looking for recipes for strawberries. I had gotten some nice ones on sale and wanted to make something fun and easy with it. This was a good choice. Of course, mine did not look like the one on the website, but still it was pretty good and I plan on making it again. Enjoy!
Easy Strawberry Cake
1 1/2 cups all purpose flour
1 1/2 tsps baking powder
1/2 tsp salt
6 Tbsps unsalted butter, softened
1 cup plus 2 Tbsps sugar
1 large egg
1 tsp vanilla extract
1/2 cup milk
3/4 pound of strawberries, hulled and cut in half
Preheat oven to 350 and grease one 9" deep dish pie pan
Whisk together flour, baking soda and salt. Set aside
In another bowl, beat the butter and 1 cup of sugar until fluffy, about 3 minutes. Add the egg and vanilla extract and beat on low until well combined. Alternate adding the flour mixture and the milk, beating on low speed until smooth.
Pour into pie pan and smooth out with spatula. Arrange strawberries on top, cut side down, covering the entire top of the cake. Sprinkle the 2 Tbsp of sugar over the strawberries.
Bake at 350 for 10 minutes, then reduce heat to 325 and bake approximately an hour or until a cake tester comes out clean. Cool on wire rack.
Saturday, May 14, 2022
The Continuing Adventures of Just a Waiter - surveys that don't count
Several times a year, we have to participate in associate surveys. I do not really know the purpose of these surveys. They are done by an outside company and I don't know exactly who sees the results of these surveys and where that information goes. And even though we are told they are "anonymous" I do have to wonder if that's really true. The same company also provides our residents with surveys several times a year. We spend hours assisting them on tablets to get these surveys in.
Now, I'm sure there is some good in these surveys, I just really don't know what it is. It's not like it is an inconvenience to take one. What does bother me, though, is that there is one question at the end of the survey that if you do not answer within a specific perimeter, your entire survey is thrown out. Why not only give us the choices of the acceptable answers then? Why tell us to rate something from 1 to 10 if you're going to not accept any survey that rates 3 to 8? It just doesn't make any sense to me. Maybe this is a standard practice in the survey business, which I know nothing about, but it seems like people spend time doing something for no reason unless they are spoon fed answers.
It makes me feel cheated, in a way. You answer the questions, some of which you are asked to write your opinion not simply "yes" or "no". And then if your honest final answer is not what they want, it's all erased. That's frustrating. So much for everyone's opinion counting.
But at least I got a scratch off lottery ticket for completing mine. That's something I suppose. Ah, well. That is all
Friday, May 13, 2022
Outdoor spaces
I took today off of work and I'm thankful that I work with people that are ok when we need to take a day every now and then. I wanted a day to catch up on some things, relax and clear my mind. So far, I've gotten some laundry done, emptied the dishwasher and did some work out in the garage. So far so good in my book. As I'm getting things done, I realize that desperately need to clean our front porch and our patio. The weather is warming up and it will soon be time to utilize those spaces so it is time to get them in shape. Porches and patios are wonderful spaces to gather with friends and I want more of that this year.
Front porch sitting is not something I did much as a child. We had a great porch in Monroe, but we did not sit out there often. But it was always neat. It had benches and rocking chairs, planters, hanging baskets. Much like the porch we have now. Only we use this one more. And I love it. On beautiful weather days it is so nice to just sit out there with a beverage and relax. I used to go out there every morning when I smoked to have my first cigarette of the day. Nowadays I don't get out there much in the morning since I stopped smoking. Still, I enjoy going out there. Lois, our next door neighbor, has a wonderful porch and we are often out there in the afternoons visiting and enjoying the day.
We also had a great patio in Monroe which we used quite often. In the spring and summer months, you could often find us sitting out on the patio, relaxing. And we had many meals out there too, particularly celebrating summer and spring birthdays. Our patio here is a decent size and I would like to use it more. Like every other room in the house, though, it requires upkeep and I have not been keeping up like I should. I would love to use it more this year and create more memories there. We have it, so why not use it. It's not like we haven't used it before it has just been awhile.
I have so many wonderful memories of outdoor spaces and porches. Going to the beach, growing up, meant many afternoons on the porch...especially if there was a swing out there. There is nothing better to me than sitting on a beach house porch and listening to the waves and smelling the sea air. It's so relaxing. Of course, I have memories of the spaces of other family homes from my childhood as well. Grandmother had a wonderful screened porch on the side of her house. On days like this, overcast and cool, I would love to go out there and sit on the wicker sofa out there. She did not use it much during my lifetime, but I always enjoyed it. The family home in Wingate also had some fantastic porches and I spent some good times on them. While there was not a patio, there was a picnic table out back that was a covered area. It was once where the well was but that had long since been covered up. It was beautiful.
While I cannot go back in time and relive those other than in my mind, I can take those feelings and move forward with them to create new experiences and memories. Well, I guess it's time for me to clean the porch before it starts raining! That is all.
Thought for the day
Social anxiety is a difficult thing to deal with, especially coming out of a pandemic. I have had social anxiety for my entire adult life. It began when I was a teenager, probably even younger than that. Once I began figuring out that I was different from the other kids. Actually, I always knew I was different. It's when I began caring that I was different that my outlook changed. The fear of being accepted or not made it difficult for me in social situations. And those feelings continue to this day.
I've been trying to put myself back out there in social settings to ease may way back and it has not worked like I have wanted it to. I usually end up feeling inadequate and awkward. In my head, I think I'm relaxed and having fun, but that's not what is showing on the outside. And when that gets pointed out to me, I realize that nothing has improved and I'm back to square one. So I ask myself is there a point in putting myself in these situations if things are not getting any better? I do not have an answer for that.
I have thought about trying to just make one friend at a time. Maybe to search out that person outside of my relationship that I can have a best friend relationship with. I just don't know how to begin finding said person. Social media does not help that much and I don't have many things that I do outside of work that may bring an encounter with new people.
I know that I will eventually work through this. Possibly with the help of a therapist. But in the meantime, it's frustrating. First world problems, I know. It'll be ok.
That is all
Wednesday, May 11, 2022
Escapades in Adulting - Mowing the lawn
It's interesting to me the things that used to do as a child... as in things I had to do... as in chores, that I did not enjoy doing, now as an adult I find much satisfaction in them. Today, after work, I came home and mowed the grass. I don't often do that. Michael usually handles it. That's fine because I normally do most of the inside housework, but not always. Still, our grass really needed mowing. We've had some really good rains in the past few weeks and it has definitely grown. Due to rather painful bout with gout, Michael is not really up to the challenge of it today. So, I took the reins and mowed the yard.
It was not the greatest job, admittedly, but it's done. I think I have mowed the grass two, maybe three times in the ten years we've lived here so I'm out of practice. But as I was doing it, I really did feel accomplished. And I was getting some decent exercise and sweating as well. Always a plus. I was not very consistent in how I mowed. Sometimes I went around in a square formation. Sometimes I just did up and down lines. Very inconsistent LOL But, it's done. I just need more practice.
We don't have an extremely big yard, but we do take pride in it. I just hope I didn't mow over any actual plants Michael has put in the ground. I don't think I did. Here's hoping. I will keep practicing and doing more mowing. It's only fair. And the more I do it, the better I will get at it. Now, the next challenge will be picking up the weed eater. I haven't touched one of those in probably 30 years. Fun fun!!
That is all.
Monday, May 9, 2022
Daily Challenge
This week I am going to work on putting more effort into how I look when I step out of the house. This weekend we went to see Dad and June. Before we left for their house, Michael pointed out that I had on too many patterns, as in my shorts and shirt were clashing. Same color scheme but too many patterns. Honestly, I was thinking more of my comfort than how I was dressed. But I did change my shirt because I knew I'd feel better about it.
Anyway, I have not been taking much pride in my appearance at work. It's not like I've a slob, I just have not been putting much effort into it. I think part of it is just the routine of my day at work and did not feel the need the try, honestly. Last year, I did take more care of what I wore and people definitely noticed. Many of them thought I was dressed like that because I was interviewing for another job. No, that would never happen LOL But I did enjoy the compliments and felt better. I carried myself better, tucking in my shirt and holding my shoulders back more than normal. It felt good.
So that is what I want to start working on again this week. Being a little neater in my appearance. This morning, I took the time to select clothes that went together well and are still comfortable. The shirt is tucked in...hope it will stay that way LOL I even put on some cologne. And I do feel better. It makes going into work a little less daunting. It should make for a better week.
That is all
Sunday, May 8, 2022
Saturday, May 7, 2022
It's time to clean the garage...again...
This morning I went out to the garage to get a cooler we needed to take to Dad's today. And, per usual, when I go out there, I thought to myself that it's time to clean this mess up. Again! Like most people I'm sure, our garage has become a catch all for everything. It drives me nuts (and it does Michael too). We would really like to be able to have the garage as a useful space. This time last year we did. Everything was shelved and in its place. You could actually see the floor. Right now, not so much. Thank God that the cooler I needed was up at the front and I didn't have to digging around in the back. I would still be there now if that had been the case.
Last year we got a good amount of things from Michael's parents when they sold their house. The stuff made it into the garage and most of it has been there since. We had aspirations of where to put things and it just never happened. Life went on and that stuff has been sitting there ever since. Now, that's not the only stuff out there. I've put stuff out there with the intention of selling it on ebay or marketplace but I just have not done that yet either. Big surprise, I know LOL
Today at Dad's, June was embarrassed that I had been in their "messy" garage. She has no idea! I told her I'd take a picture of ours and show her what a messy garage really looks like! We talked about it some on the drive back home and it's time to get in there and do the work. Easier said than done. I go out there with the intention of getting things in order and get so overwhelmed it's not funny. I normally end up standing around in there and then giving up. This spring, I've got to do better. I can make it work.
I just need to remember that it is possible that things are going to look a lot worse before they get better. I have to keep that in my mind otherwise I will be defeated again before I even step in there. I read something somewhere that will help me. I don't remember where it was I read this and I wish I did because it's good advice. And I've made a conscious effort to practice this inside the house and I believe it will work in the garage. What I read was simply this: Don't just put it down, put it away. When I read that it really struck a chord with me. Michael and I are both bad about just setting something down wherever we can find a space for it and either not ever putting it away or just letting is sit there for days or weeks. Piles form everywhere and the frustration mounts. But now that I've started to actually put things away in the house once I'm done with them, I can definitely tell a difference. Things are a little neater and that makes me feel a lot better. It does not always happen, but I'm making the effort. There is no question in my mind that this philosophy can work in the garage to as I'm going through boxes.
So, tomorrow I will begin the fun that is working in the garage. I will post pictures of my progress because it will help to hold me accountable. Wish me luck!
Thursday, May 5, 2022
Proverbs 11-25
Admittedly, I have never read the Bible. I have read passages from it and looked up verses but I have never read the entire thing. Honestly, I'm not sure that too many people have actually read the whole thing, but that's another story. I never felt like there would be much in there for me to connect to, personally. Now, when I say that I mean as me, Bob, specifically. Yes, there are many things that I relate to as a general human being with a spiritual life. But I was never sure that there would be something that specifically related to who I am that makes me a unique individual. And I need that kind of direct guidance sometimes. We all do.
Anyhow, the other day I received a thank you note in the mail from a dear friend who I had over for Easter dinner. She always writes such nice notes and it's a joy to hear from her. She ended the note with a Bible verse that I had not heard and it really grabbed me. I thought "that's about me" and it was a good feeling. And it made me think that maybe there are other passages that I may connect to that will make me feel like I'm having that one on one experience with God. I don't know but I believe it's a possibility.
Now, I'm not going to say that I will sit down and read the Good Book cover to cover. But, I do believe that I will open it up more and search for those connections. It can't hurt. And I don't know what else I may stumble upon that will speak to me like this verse did.
That is all.
Wednesday, May 4, 2022
Sometimes I take the easy way out when giving a gift
There comes a time when convenience over powers thoughtfulness. I hate to admit that when it comes to gift giving, but that, sadly, is a reality that I must face. I know, I know. If this is the hardest thing I deal with today, I'm doing pretty good. But, still, it's a dilemma for me and I am determined to take some steps to improve how I feel about this. Things I can do to make me feel better about it. Yes, it's all about me LOL Well, it is my blog after all LOL
I love giving gifts. I always have. I really enjoy the search for that something special and unique for someone. We are all special and unique, so why shouldn't gifts be? I keep a list of people throughout the year that I buy gifts for. This way, I have it mapped out for me and can, normally, budget appropriately for it. Sometimes, though, the gift I give is less than ideal. I don't mean that it won't be something useful, I just mean that is won't necessarily be something unique. With work, housework, dinners, laundry, and just trying to have a life in general I sometimes take the easy way out simply because time has slipped away from me.
As a result, there are times when I give a gift card to someone. This is not my gift of choice simply because it lacks imagination. On the other hand, it can be quite useful. We just got our oldest nephew a nice gift card because they're going to Disney later this month and he can use it to buy him something during the trip. Later this week, our oldest niece will turn the big 21. She's just coming off of a semester's internship in Washing, D.C., so a gift card it will be. She lives in Indiana, so we cannot be there for her birthday and this will be something she can get exactly what she wants and needs. That's just how it goes sometimes.
What I'm going to take away from this is 2 things. One is that it is totally OK to give gift cards. Sometimes a person does not know what he/she wants and can hold onto the card until they decided. That's perfectly valid. Also it takes pressure off of me and that is a good form of self care. The second thing is that I really need to get into the practice of knowing people. One of the joys of gift giving is discovering those little secrets that will eventually lead to a wonderful gift. Sometimes it's something someone says in passing. You just never know. But during the pandemic, I was not able to gather that kind of information like I normally would. I just did not see people as much and I want to change that. For those who live far away from me, I just need to be in more contact and get to know people all over again. That's the plan anyway.
Now, it's time for me to look at my gift list again and see who's coming up next! That is all
Tuesday, May 3, 2022
Recipe of the Day - White Bean and Pork Stew
This is a yummy recipe that our next door neighbor, Lois, shared with us. I have made it several times and have really enjoyed it! I make a lot of chicken and beef soups, chilies and stews so it's nice to find a good one made with pork.
White Bean and Pork Stew
Olive Oil
2lbs ground pork
1 med. onion chopped
1 poblano chile - seeded and chopped*
3 cloves of garlic, minced
2 (4.5 oz) cans of green chilies, undrained
1 Tbsp cumin
1 Tbsp Kosher salt
2 (15.5 oz) cans white beans
3&1/3 cups chicken broth
6 oz shredded Monterey Jack cheese
2 Tbsp fresh lime juice
Brown pork in oil. Drain and set aside.
Saute' onion, poblano, garlic, green chilies, cumin and salt. Cook until vegetables are tender.
Increase heat to high and stir in beans, broth and pork. Bring to a boil. Reduce heat to med-low, simmer for 40 minutes.
Add cheese and lime juice. Stir until cheese is melted. Serve.
*if you can't find a poblano, any mild red pepper will do.
Monday, May 2, 2022
The Judds - Grandpa
With the sad news of Naomi Judd's death this past weekend, I am reminded of all of the wonderful music that she and her daughter produced. Listening to lots of country music when I was growing up, their music was a constant throughout my childhood. I remember having some friends in youth group at church that were totally obsessed with them so we heard them a lot! But this is one song that always struck a chord with me. As someone who is an old soul, I always loved hearing about times past from my Grandmother and her sisters. I miss being able to have those conversations and wish I had retained more information from them than I have. But I still love the song and love the feelings that it brings to me. RIP Naomi.
Sunday, May 1, 2022
Going into May very hopeful :)
Here it is, the first of May already. It is hard for me to grasp that 2022 is already one third complete. Where does the time go? I feel sometimes like I blink and an entire month has flown by. I suppose that is something that comes with age. When I was a child it felt like time crept by. Summer took forever to get here. Now it goes by way to quickly and summer will be here before I know it. Ah, well.
Well, here it is May and it's time to reevaluate as usual. I have many hopes for myself this month. There are lots of things that I want out of life. Personal things that involve health and happiness. I'm not going to spell it out right now because I am still looking into all of those things. I want to eliminate the things in my life that do not bring me joy. I want to eliminate those things and unintentionally make me feel badly about myself. I want to take these one at a time and really look at them, explore them, and figure out the best way for me to deal with them. My daily challenges have been helpful but I am not holding myself accountable to them like I should.
This is not a bad situation to be in. I have choices. I have decisions to make. There are so many things in my daily life that impact me that I am not really paying attention to and I need to start doing that. My life will not improve in the way that I want it to if I keep my blinders on. I recognize that, in some situations, blinders are a good tool for self care but every now and then I need to take them down and reassess their usefulness. This is going to be one of those months!
I will continue to update these things through my "daily challenge" posts. No doubt there will be lots of lists involved. I do love a good list haha! But it's time for me to really slow down and take my time. We live in a society of instant gratification and I expect too much too soon. When I think about how my life was 20, 30 years ago (and it amazes me that I can say that), I realize that the things that meant the most are the things that took time. These are the things I had to work towards and wait on the results. I need that kind of experience again.
I have the utmost confidence in myself that I can achieve my goals. And I thank you ahead of time for your support!
That is all.