There comes a time when convenience over powers thoughtfulness. I hate to admit that when it comes to gift giving, but that, sadly, is a reality that I must face. I know, I know. If this is the hardest thing I deal with today, I'm doing pretty good. But, still, it's a dilemma for me and I am determined to take some steps to improve how I feel about this. Things I can do to make me feel better about it. Yes, it's all about me LOL Well, it is my blog after all LOL
I love giving gifts. I always have. I really enjoy the search for that something special and unique for someone. We are all special and unique, so why shouldn't gifts be? I keep a list of people throughout the year that I buy gifts for. This way, I have it mapped out for me and can, normally, budget appropriately for it. Sometimes, though, the gift I give is less than ideal. I don't mean that it won't be something useful, I just mean that is won't necessarily be something unique. With work, housework, dinners, laundry, and just trying to have a life in general I sometimes take the easy way out simply because time has slipped away from me.
As a result, there are times when I give a gift card to someone. This is not my gift of choice simply because it lacks imagination. On the other hand, it can be quite useful. We just got our oldest nephew a nice gift card because they're going to Disney later this month and he can use it to buy him something during the trip. Later this week, our oldest niece will turn the big 21. She's just coming off of a semester's internship in Washing, D.C., so a gift card it will be. She lives in Indiana, so we cannot be there for her birthday and this will be something she can get exactly what she wants and needs. That's just how it goes sometimes.
What I'm going to take away from this is 2 things. One is that it is totally OK to give gift cards. Sometimes a person does not know what he/she wants and can hold onto the card until they decided. That's perfectly valid. Also it takes pressure off of me and that is a good form of self care. The second thing is that I really need to get into the practice of knowing people. One of the joys of gift giving is discovering those little secrets that will eventually lead to a wonderful gift. Sometimes it's something someone says in passing. You just never know. But during the pandemic, I was not able to gather that kind of information like I normally would. I just did not see people as much and I want to change that. For those who live far away from me, I just need to be in more contact and get to know people all over again. That's the plan anyway.
Now, it's time for me to look at my gift list again and see who's coming up next! That is all
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