Saturday, May 27, 2023

Creative Writing


I really want to start some creative writing again.  It's been years since I have done any.  And by years, I mean decades LOL I know that I have mentioned it before, but my journey in creative writing really began in 4th grade when I wrote a weekly soap opera for a class that had all of my classmates in it.  That was fun and I continued it for two years.  After that, I would periodically write stories throughout the remainder of my school years.  I enjoyed it and it was a good escape for me.

I really did not do much creative writing after that.  I never took any kind of creative writing classes in college.  I don't know why, but I didn't.  I think, at least the first time around, I was focused so much on my theatre classes and dealing with who I was, that it never occurred to me to take a writing class.  And in the times I've been in school since then, I just have had to take other classes that were more important.  Of course, I am sure there are some independent classes and/or groups of beginning creative writers out there that I could participate in.  

The difficult thing about creative writing, in my opinion, is that you really cannot force it.  I have tried to just sit down and make myself write something and nothing ever happens.  And that gets frustrating.  I do, however, keep a list (I know right LOL), of ideas of things to write.  I have learned that it is best to write when I feel passionate about something.  Some of the ideas I have jotted down have not been fleshed out yet, but they are ever present in my creative brain.  My work experience alone is enough to fill several books LOL  Maybe I will create something out of that.  Or I do have some family stories that I could dramatize, change the names to protect the innocent haha.  

It all starts with the blank page.  And that's a good place for me right now because that is parallel to my life.  I can start my creative writing journey as I make my way down this new path in my life.  It will be a good release for me.  It will give me control, to a degree, over something.  I know from past experience that sometimes the writing controls the writer LOL  Once you get a rhythm going, sometimes you just have to sit back and let the pen do its thing.  It is the one time I can make characters do exactly what I want them to and that can be fun.  I always enjoyed writing my elementary school serial, so I may go back to that format and see where it leads me.

Either way, I am ready to put pen to paper and just have fun. Not that anyone would ever read it besides me, but it will still be fun!  

That is all.

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