Sunday, May 21, 2023

No Vacation This Year....Probably


I am going to miss going on a vacation this year.  It's been a long time since I haven't really had a vacation during the summer but this year it probably isn't in the cards for me.  It's simply not in the budget.  That's one of the side effects of being single.  That one income does not always allow for such luxuries.  I will survive not having a vacation but it is still sad none the less.  I will try to take a few long weekends, maybe just some day trips here and there, but it's definitely not the same thing.  I love the planning of a week away.  The past few years, vacation was spent at Ocean Isle Beach and it was great fun.  I enjoy figuring out meals, snacks, activities, etc.  Hell, I'm still paying for our week at the beach two years ago LOL  But, in the end, it was worth the memories.

Sometimes I wonder how my parents were able to plan such wonderful vacations when we were growing up.  We had some great times on vacation.  Some were costly, such as going to Disney World several times.  But, I'm sure other times were not quite as expensive, though I never would have known.  It was all an escape for me and I was glad to get away.  Maybe I will call in some favors and find a place to go for awhile. Actually, I don't have favors to call in so I might just be begging LOL  I don't know.  All I do know is that I will miss the anticipation of spending an entire week away from the reality of my life, which is not bad, it's just reality lol

I'll probably start working on a list of the small trips I can afford to make and set about pursuing them.  It's better than nothing, right?  I'm grateful for what I have, I would just like to leave it all behind for a week and live carefree in a place other than Greensboro.  We shall see.

That is all.

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