Thursday, May 11, 2023

 Mother's day is just around the corner, this upcoming Sunday as a matter of fact.  It is a time to celebrate those women that gave us life, raised us, guided us and helped to mold us into the people we have become.  Not everyone was blessed with a good mother for one reason or another and that's really a shame.  I think that everyone deserves to know what that special bond between a mother and her child feels like.  I truly believe that if everyone had that, the world would be a much better place.

Like most of the people that I know, I can say that my Mom was the best!  I was so lucky to have had her for the 21 years that I did here on earth.  Technically I still have her, just in a different fashion these days.  Having the best Mom, I have come to realize, isn't a competition between friends.  It's simply a statement of adoration for your relationship with your Mom.  Mary B. was the best mom for me but maybe not for someone else.  Growing up on Brookgreen Drive, our street was full of the best moms in the world:  Ann Arnold Richardson, Kay Parker, Judy Davis, Gail Derrick and B. Fornes.  There were others on the street but these were my generation's moms and I cherish the memories I have of each of them.  

I have been blessed with other mother figures in my life as well that I am very thankful for.  There's something about having the person or persons to help guide you, give you advice, listen to you when you have a problem, that's incredibly comforting.  They create a safe space in the heart.  So, this Sunday, celebrate your mother in the best way that you can.  That will be different for each of us.  If your mom is still living, call her, take her out to lunch, send her a card, give her a gift.  Do something to reach out and be grateful that you still have her.  If your mom is gone, do something to remember her.  Look through an old picture album, cook a meal in her honor, visit the cemetary.  Just let them know you are thinking of them.  It will mean the world to them, here on earth or in heaven.

So, to all of my friends out there, Happy Mother's Day!  No matter what your feelings about your mothers are, I am grateful for them because without them you would not be here and I'm very thankful that you're here!

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