Tuesday, October 17, 2023

10 Day/Overnight trips I would like to make over the next few months

Working full time and being a full-time student does not exactly leave a lot of time for leisure.  However, one of the major components I've learned to be a healthy, successful person is self-care.  With everything I need to do for my job and all of the homework I need to get done, I realize that I'm going to need to take time to treat myself to something fun and relaxing.  Here are some day trips, perhaps an overnighter here and there that I would like to do in the next several months.  And I'm always open to have someone join me or meet me there!

1. Ava Gardner Museum

Ava Gardner is an iconic American actress from North Carolina.  I've never been to the museum that honors her, but with my love of classic Hollywood films, I think I would really enjoy this!

2. Sylvan Heights Bird Park

I saw a segment on this park on NC Weekend on PBS and thought it looked very peaceful and relaxing.  Lots of nature trails, gardens and birds in Scotland Neck, NC

3. Daniel Stowe Botanical Garden

As many times as I have been to Belmont, NC over the past 18 years, I can't believe that I only just learned of this garden.  It's definitely on my list!

4. Wilmington, NC

I spent a week in Wilmington every summer when I was growing up until I graduated from high school.  And even with all of those visits, so many things I've never done.  I haven't been to the battleship or to the Bellamy mansion.  Both I would love to see!

5. Old Salem

I haven't visited Old Salem in over 30 years.  It's about time for a revisit!

6. Trash 2 Treasure

This is an antiques and collectables shop in Rocky Mount, NC that is run by a Facebook friend of mine and his mother.  The posts are always so fun that I want to go and spend hours looking for my own treasure!

7. Monroe, NC

I haven't been home in 8 or 9 years.  I would love to spend a day going to old haunts and seeing how everything has changed or hasn't changed!  And catch up with good friends.

8. Museum of Art

I've never been and I feel like I would enjoy it.  A good art museum can be both entertaining and educational.  Luckily, I enjoy both of those qualities!

9. The Candy Factory

I can't imagine not loving this shop in Lexington, NC. And I can't imagine not spending way too much money!!

10. Seagrove Pottery

I have never been to Seagrove.  I know it has some fantastic folk art and pottery and would be a wonderful way to spend the day!

So, if you see something that peaks your interest, hit me up and we'll plan a trip!  I would love that!!

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