Sunday, October 1, 2023

Finding a Future Handbell Choir

 Growing up, the end of summer and the beginning of fall meant going back to our weekly church activities.  For me, nothing was more anticipated than being in handbells.  From 3rd grade through 12th grade, that is what I looked forward to more than anything.  It was by far my favorite church activity.  I absolutely loved it.  I joined the adult handbell choir when I was in 7th grade, so I rang in two choirs at that time.  

Now, as an adult, I still have a huge passion for handbells.  I was lucky enough to join the First Baptist handbell choir for a few years.  But, going back to school put an end to that.  I simply did not have the time to attend rehearsals.  Yes, time management is still something that plagues me.  I'm much better than I used to be but it's a constant work in progress.  And it has always surprised me, in my 30 years association with UNCG that they do not have a handbell choir or any kind of handbell courses.  As many church musicians that graduate from their music department, you'd think that they would have one.  Ah, well.  Maybe one day.  Not that I could ring with them either right now, but it's the principle of the idea.  

Anyway, once I finish this degree, whenever that may be, one of my life goals is to find a handbell choir to be a part of.  There are many other things that will factor into this such as what my job will be and what the church is, since we don't have a community choir here.  But, it's one thing that I want back in my life and I am determined to make that happen again one day!  As long as I don't have to ring the bottom bells...not my favorite and I get put down there often I think just because I'm male LOL  Give me something around middle C please!!

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