Thursday, July 25, 2013

10 reasons i enjoyed hearing about the new British heir

1. No one got shot.
2. No one leaked government information.
3.  No teacher got robbed of funding.
4. Nothing exploded or crashed.
5. There was no racism or profiling involved.
6.  No government official cut education funding and then gave his cabinet raises.
7.  No one's rights were swept under the rug.
8.  People were united in something happy for a change.
9.  No pro athlete, with the world at his fingertips, committed a felony in conjunction with this birth.
10.  No one was interpreting God's word for their own benefit.

i admit that i don't closely follow the royal family of Great Britain.  But, i also admit, that it was nice to have a headline news story that was something positive for a change.  How nice for people to come together and celebrate a birth for a change.  i've noticed, most particularly on Facebook, that many people this side of the Atlantic had many snide things to say about the birth of the newest member of the royal family.  To me, this shows a lack of manners (in America?  go figure).  If you don't like it, yes you have every right to express that, but it's still rude.  We don't have a royal family in America, so we don't understand, really, what it means when an heir to the throne is born.  The closest thing we probably have is when KK's baby emerged from her lumpy nether region...only to be named North...a direction the baby's mother's not use to going in.  Oh well.  Class, and i don't mean financial status, is not something we have here anymore on a regular basis.

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