Tuesday, November 19, 2013

10 things you don't know about me...#2

i believe in reincarnation

i think that every spirit is on a journey and it is only when that journey is completed that the spirit can rest.  Until then, it keeps coming back until the journey is over.

my questioning of reincarnation began at an early age.  my Great Aunt Mary Lee, when i was born, took to me very quickly because she told people that i looked just like her brother, Henry, who had died at the age of two and she had helped take care of him.  And it made me wonder, as a child, what it would've been like to be Henry.  Ah, well.

Fast forward about 20 years or so.  i was a junior BFA acting major at UNCG and was doing a supporting role in a production of Tony Kushner's adaptation of "The Illusion"  This was the first show i did after Mom died, so i was pretty emotionally worn down, but yet open to many things.  For our first dress rehearsal for the show, i had a wonderful dresser, Danielle (who has ended up being one of my very best friends).  This was a period show, with gorgeous costumes custom made for each of us in the show.  One day i'll talk about the amazing leather boots that were custom made for my character...but that's another time.

Anyway, i digress.  One of the costume pieces i wore was, and i can't remember the proper name for it, but it kind of was like a male version of a corset, only it was worn outside of the shirt.  It was heavy brocade and laced up the back and of course, i had to have help with that.  The first time Danielle laced me into that thing, i had a major sense of deja vu.  We had done this before...in another life.

And then the dreams started.  i was seeing life through the eyes of a woman, somewhere around the turn of the century.  Some dreams were of daily life...she was a wife, but not a mother.  She was not wealthy, but more upper middle class.  Her widowed sister and her children lived with her.  The dream that i had the most was she was at a ball, dancing.  Her dancing partner was not her husband, but a friend....a good friend.  There was no romantic attachment between them, just a lot of love and a sense of great comfort.

i had that dream about every other night for several months.  i don't know the name of the person she was dancing with, but i've seen his eyes in one of my friends.  About the 3rd or 4th time i had the ballroom dream, something different happened.  The dream was extended to include this woman's preparations for the ball including, you guessed it, getting lace up in her corset....by her sister.  She danced a lot longer that night with many different men, but always came back to her confidant with the eyes.

when i woke up the next morning i woke up in some pain and discomfort.  i had some strange bruising on my abdomen, so i went to the campus infirmary.  They took some x rays and discovered that i had a few bruised rib bones.  Since i had no idea how it could have happened, they determined that i fell out of bed during the night and just didn't remember.

i knew better.  Those bruises were vertical.  They were boning bruises brought on by the corset in the dream the night before.

i see this woman every now and again in my dreams.  Her/our spirit's journey is not done yet.

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