Saturday, March 12, 2016

Thought for the day

As spring break comes to an end, i realize that i have not gotten accomplished what i wanted to.  Ah, well.  That will definitely give me a lot to do this week, but that's how it goes.  One thing that i'm always constantly aware of is my lack of time management.  i really do need to figure out a better system for myself because this shit gets ridiculous.  And then i get stressed out and everything simply snowballs.  It is these times that i really doubt myself and my abilities.  And that is not good for me or my school work.

Another thing that i find myself doing is over use of the phrases such as "i can't...." or "i'm not good at..."  Then, i simply give in to the "fact" that i can't or i'm not good at and am defeated without even trying to change things.  If you've ever suffered from depression, you know this can go.  So, i really need to stop using these phrases because they are so negative to me.  Of course, there are things that i cannot do and things i am not good at, but i need to find a better way of expressing these things because i find myself limiting myself and i give up too easily.

i'm not sure what the phrases will be to replace the negative ones, but i will try to find something.  Hopefully, i will get to a place where even if i can't or am not good at, i can end the statement with "at least i tried"  We shall see how that goes.


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