Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Thought for the day

Ah, it is the middle of the week already.  Seems to be going by quickly.  Today, i am trying to worry and not worry about money.  It sucks not having any LOL  It's just this time of year.  My financial aid gets me through the semester and then it runs out.  i love my part time job and that does help and during the summer i should get more hours in because we have some people away working for the summer.  But, it's just these few weeks after school is out that are on the rough side.  The same thing happened last year at this time.  You'd think i would have prepared better this year, but, alas i did not.  Oops LOL

But, i am determined not to get depressed about it.  There really isn't any need to and it does not change anything.  i don't qualify for a credit card and i really don't want another one...been there, done that.  i know that we will be fine, it's just the meantime that is frustrating.  It makes me very hopeful for the future though.  i really am going to love when i graduate and get a paycheck for doing something i am passionate about.  That is helping to keep me focused.

Oh well, that is really about it for now.  i wish i had something more interesting to say, but no such luck!


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