Nearly all people can stand adversity, but if you want to test a person's character, give them power.
Abraham Lincoln
Monday, January 29, 2018
Sunday, January 28, 2018
Sunday morning report :)
Here I am on a Sunday morning...sitting at the computer, having my coffee and enjoying some spiritual guidance on the radio while perusing the internet. I actually slept in this morning til almost 8, which is so out of character for me these days. I did wake up at 6, still later than my usual wake up time, and was determined to go back to sleep, which I did.
I am not sure what today holds for me, which is fine. Yesterday, I was blah. I was not good or bad, just blah. Even though I spoke of my frustrations on my blog, I simply needed a place to vent. And I would much rather write on here than on FB about such things. I use to not be that way and would post anything of FB, but now I know it's not really worth it...but that's just me. Anyway, it was a day and I got through it and now I feel better.
Hopefully I will get my behind to church today. My new job schedule should allow me to get there on a more regular basis, which I really do miss. I did stop by on Wednesday because there was suppose to be a handbell interest meeting at 6. I went all over that church and found no one who knew anything about it. Oh well. Maybe I can solve the mystery this morning. If not, I might have to call up Terri Vancil and join one of her choirs at FBC because I really do miss it and, to be honest, handbells need to be part of my church going experience.
Anyway, today I am going to sit back and reflect on the things I need to get accomplished this week and try not to worry about what is beyond my control. I am truly excited for my new job to start on Monday. Don't have a clue as to what I'll actually be doing, but looking forward to the challenge. I have a desk, I know. I just don't know where that desk is going to be LOL So, I'll update you on that once I know. Having a different schedule will force me to change how I get things done, which is fine. I'm looking forward to having a regular weekly schedule so that Michael and I can actually make plans for a change.
Oh well, that's all for this morning. I'm going to refill my coffee cup and relax with the hopes that I will be motivated to get dressed for church. We'll see.
I am not sure what today holds for me, which is fine. Yesterday, I was blah. I was not good or bad, just blah. Even though I spoke of my frustrations on my blog, I simply needed a place to vent. And I would much rather write on here than on FB about such things. I use to not be that way and would post anything of FB, but now I know it's not really worth it...but that's just me. Anyway, it was a day and I got through it and now I feel better.
Hopefully I will get my behind to church today. My new job schedule should allow me to get there on a more regular basis, which I really do miss. I did stop by on Wednesday because there was suppose to be a handbell interest meeting at 6. I went all over that church and found no one who knew anything about it. Oh well. Maybe I can solve the mystery this morning. If not, I might have to call up Terri Vancil and join one of her choirs at FBC because I really do miss it and, to be honest, handbells need to be part of my church going experience.
Anyway, today I am going to sit back and reflect on the things I need to get accomplished this week and try not to worry about what is beyond my control. I am truly excited for my new job to start on Monday. Don't have a clue as to what I'll actually be doing, but looking forward to the challenge. I have a desk, I know. I just don't know where that desk is going to be LOL So, I'll update you on that once I know. Having a different schedule will force me to change how I get things done, which is fine. I'm looking forward to having a regular weekly schedule so that Michael and I can actually make plans for a change.
Oh well, that's all for this morning. I'm going to refill my coffee cup and relax with the hopes that I will be motivated to get dressed for church. We'll see.
Saturday, January 27, 2018
Why is it hard for me to be a good person?
Karma's a bitch, plain and simple. I know that I have done many rotten, selfish things in my life. I recognize that. I own it. Why? Because there's no need in denying things that happened. They have made me who I am today. Would I go back and change things? Yes, I probably would in many cases. Can I? No because it's in the past. So I must acknowledge these things in life and move forward. Yet, it seems that almost every time I feel like I am moving forward, life likes to kick me in the balls.
I really want to be a good person, but I'm no longer sure that characteristic is in the cards for me. I grew up with great examples of people who were and still are basically good human beings. I try, but I never succeed to their level. Not that I have to be like someone else, it's just a goal to strive for. I have lately been feeling good about things in my life...changes made to benefit my health, advancing at work, trying to be productive, etc. Maybe I was more proud than feeling good. And then all it takes is one thing to bring me back to the reality that I can be a lousy human being. And that one little thing snowballs in memories and feelings of things past and I become pretty useless to the human race.
So, today I will be content in my own mediocrity because I don't feel like fighting it anymore. This is a pretty opposite feeling of how I was a few days ago, but that's how it goes. It just takes one thing for all of my work to be erased from my heart. Ah, well.
That is all.
I really want to be a good person, but I'm no longer sure that characteristic is in the cards for me. I grew up with great examples of people who were and still are basically good human beings. I try, but I never succeed to their level. Not that I have to be like someone else, it's just a goal to strive for. I have lately been feeling good about things in my life...changes made to benefit my health, advancing at work, trying to be productive, etc. Maybe I was more proud than feeling good. And then all it takes is one thing to bring me back to the reality that I can be a lousy human being. And that one little thing snowballs in memories and feelings of things past and I become pretty useless to the human race.
So, today I will be content in my own mediocrity because I don't feel like fighting it anymore. This is a pretty opposite feeling of how I was a few days ago, but that's how it goes. It just takes one thing for all of my work to be erased from my heart. Ah, well.
That is all.
Thursday, January 25, 2018
Just another day at home
Today was my day off during the week this week. I have the weekend off, which I am looking forward to, but I always enjoy that one day when I can get stuff done around the house at my own pace. Granted, I did not get as much done as I wanted to. But, I had a good, relaxing day none the less. We have gotten our washing machine replaced, thank goodness, and I spent a good deal of my time today doing loads of laundry. I stopped after five loads because I did not want to wear this new (to us) machine out the first week we had it.
Despite the temperatures getting cold again, as we were in the 60's last week, the sun was bright today and Squirt and I enjoyed several outings around the neighborhood. They don't last too long on days such as this because, despite the sunshine, it's still cold....especially for a 7 pound dog. He takes care of business and gives himself plenty of time to sniff a few things before we come back home for treats. I say treats because I would give myself something as well to snack on each time we got back.
I began an inventory of my record collection. This may seem odd to some folks, but I want to have a complete list tucked away in case of something happening to the house (knock on wood). But, I also love to inventory houses. I learned about it when Aunt Sara passed away. She inventoried the family homeplace, which was great because she gave what history she knew about certain pieces. I was inspired by this and went on to inventory 3 other houses before I was 15. Anyway, today I continued working on my home inventory, a project which will no doubt take a good deal of time. I love reliving the history of things, as you know. And who knows, maybe some day when I'm gone someone else will find this information interesting. And if the don't, it's fine because I enjoy doing it.
I also continued my letter writing today. Yes, it's old fashioned and, no, I don't care if anyone writes back. Of course, it's very nice when they do, but I don't write to receive. I do it partly because I enjoy it. I have written over 20 letters and cards so far this year and have loved every minute of it. And the fact that I got stationary for Christmas means people take me seriously haha! I discovered, though, when I was writing the other day, another reason that I enjoy the letters so much.
I talk a lot about wanting to be the person that I was raised to be. As I sat with my writing desk (yes, I have one thanks to John Ramsey) on my lap, it dawned on me that I am doing something that I was taught to do by example. Both Mom and Grandmother wrote letters and cards and thank you notes. It just comes naturally to me to put pen to paper, seal it, stamp it and send it off. I feel close to those ladies when I write letters. I know they are always with me, but when I do things like that, I am particularly aware of their presence in my heart. I get the same feeling when I'm washing dishes. Ah, well. Ironically, I found a box of stationary that was Grandmother's and have been using it to write some of these letters that bring me closer to her.
Anyway, that has been my day so far. Dinner is in the oven. Trying out a new casserole recipe I read in the Wingate Baptist Church Cookbook of 1991. I do love a good casserole, so we shall see how this turns out. If it's any good, I'll share it here. And the timer has just gone off, so I must go check the oven. Michael will be home soon and then it'll be time for dinner.
Have a wonderful evening and a blessed tomorrow.😊😊😊😊
Despite the temperatures getting cold again, as we were in the 60's last week, the sun was bright today and Squirt and I enjoyed several outings around the neighborhood. They don't last too long on days such as this because, despite the sunshine, it's still cold....especially for a 7 pound dog. He takes care of business and gives himself plenty of time to sniff a few things before we come back home for treats. I say treats because I would give myself something as well to snack on each time we got back.
I began an inventory of my record collection. This may seem odd to some folks, but I want to have a complete list tucked away in case of something happening to the house (knock on wood). But, I also love to inventory houses. I learned about it when Aunt Sara passed away. She inventoried the family homeplace, which was great because she gave what history she knew about certain pieces. I was inspired by this and went on to inventory 3 other houses before I was 15. Anyway, today I continued working on my home inventory, a project which will no doubt take a good deal of time. I love reliving the history of things, as you know. And who knows, maybe some day when I'm gone someone else will find this information interesting. And if the don't, it's fine because I enjoy doing it.
I also continued my letter writing today. Yes, it's old fashioned and, no, I don't care if anyone writes back. Of course, it's very nice when they do, but I don't write to receive. I do it partly because I enjoy it. I have written over 20 letters and cards so far this year and have loved every minute of it. And the fact that I got stationary for Christmas means people take me seriously haha! I discovered, though, when I was writing the other day, another reason that I enjoy the letters so much.
I talk a lot about wanting to be the person that I was raised to be. As I sat with my writing desk (yes, I have one thanks to John Ramsey) on my lap, it dawned on me that I am doing something that I was taught to do by example. Both Mom and Grandmother wrote letters and cards and thank you notes. It just comes naturally to me to put pen to paper, seal it, stamp it and send it off. I feel close to those ladies when I write letters. I know they are always with me, but when I do things like that, I am particularly aware of their presence in my heart. I get the same feeling when I'm washing dishes. Ah, well. Ironically, I found a box of stationary that was Grandmother's and have been using it to write some of these letters that bring me closer to her.
Anyway, that has been my day so far. Dinner is in the oven. Trying out a new casserole recipe I read in the Wingate Baptist Church Cookbook of 1991. I do love a good casserole, so we shall see how this turns out. If it's any good, I'll share it here. And the timer has just gone off, so I must go check the oven. Michael will be home soon and then it'll be time for dinner.
Have a wonderful evening and a blessed tomorrow.😊😊😊😊
List of the day - film adaptations of musicals that need to be remade
With the slow resurgence of the movie musical, it would be nice if studios would revisit some musicals that have already been filmed but aren't very good. That's not to say that they are not enjoyable and fun to watch, but there's a difference between fun and good. Some are lacking in songs...which is important for musicals. Some are lacking in musical abilities...yet another important factor in musicals. Many of the originals were banking on star names and not star talents. It would be great to see these films redone, honoring the original material with actors who can handle it.
1. A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To The Forum
Great cast led by Zero Mostel. It's a very funny movie, but remember it's also a musical. Sondheim did write other songs for the show besides Comedy Tonight. Hearing them would be nice.
2. Mame
What should have been perfect casting was a dismal failure....Lucille Ball starring in the musical Mame. She just did not have the vocal chops to sing these songs....and there are a lot of songs that Mame sings. Even though her acting is fine and there are wonderful actors in supporting roles...Bea Arthur, Robert can sense that everyone is working hard to pretend that this is a fun experience. If Bette Midler did not think she could handle this role on stage 8 times a week, she should at least do a film version!
3. A Chorus Line
Admittedly, I loved this movie when I saw it. I taped it off of HBO and watched it repeatedly. I listened to the soundtrack over and over. And then, for my birthday, my Mom got me tickets to the touring company of the Broadway production. It was then that I realized the hack job that had been done to this show in making the film. It was like almost everything that the stage show wanted to achieve was thrown out in making the movie. Cassie's "star" entrance in the movie had been thrown out very early in the stage version because they wanted her to be on an even playing field. Oops. Also, taking "What I Did For Love" away from the company and giving it to Cassie as a solo was a horrible choice. The song interpretation of following your dreams became just another noxious love song. There are so many talented chorus people in the world, it would be awesome to film this again using those people....which was the whole point to begin with...the unknowns are the stars that keep musicals going. And put Michael Bennett's original choreography down on film and maybe you won't have something that looks like a 2 hour 80's music video...which is what the ACL film is.
4. Gypsy
Gypsy is heralded as one of the most perfect musicals ever written. So, why make a film version and cast its leads with people who can't sing? Karl Malden gives a fine performance and given the fact that the original Herbie, Jack Klugman, was no singer, you don't really notice his lack of voice. Natalie Wood gives the best performance. While her singing is definitely adequate, her transformation from Louise to Gypsy Rose Lee is exquisite. Rosalind Russell, while ever the consummate actress, has about a 3 note range and that does not bode well for this score. She has no problems embodying the spirit of Rose Havoc, but her singing leaves something to be desired. While there are some musical theatre roles that an actor or actress can "speak sing" and get away with, calling it interpretation, Mama Rose is NOT one of those roles.
5. Hello Dolly
If this had been Hello, Dolly! Jr, then the casing of Streisand would have worked. I am a fan of Streisand's but she is clearly too young for this role here. While she sings the score beautifully in true Barbra fashion and her comic abilities are allowed to exhibit, she simply lacks something in this role...a life experience that one does not have at 26. The matchmaker's not 26 years old, but a woman who's been through a lot in her life and gained wisdom because of it. Of course, Streisand could play it now...which isn't a bad idea really, but then she was too young. But, on the heels of her successful film debut in Funny Girl, she could do pretty much whatever role she wanted.
6. Gigi
Gigi is a visually stunning movie. The top notch cast would have been stellar had this movie not been a musical. Not one single person in this film can carry a tune in a bucket. And Gigi walked away with the Best Picture Oscar as well as Best Song, among many others. Maurice Chevalier has a character voice and is not a singer, but he fares better than the others. The music is delightful and I can only imagine what it would sound like with people who could hit the notes.
7. A Little Night Music
Sondheim does not always translate well to film and this one is no exception. Being my absolute favorite of his musicals, I found this one to be lacking. Surprisingly, it was not the musical aspects of it that I disliked. The actors, Taylor included, I felt did well with their musical material. If people argue that Elizabeth Taylor does not sing Send In The Clowns well, I disagree. Her voice is not the greatest, but the role was not written for a great singing voice (Glynis Johns). Anyway, what I would love to see in a remake of Night Music is the charm and romance that the story has. This version is rather stiff and you don't get many of the fun nuances that are there for the taking. It's like when people do Chekhov and don't ever find any of the sophisticated humor in it. It could definitely do with a remake.
8. Camelot
I remember being so excited to finally see the film adaptation of Camelot. I absolutely loved the score, which I had on vinyl, and played it over and over. King Arthur was/is a dream role of mine...oh well. Anyway, when I finally saw the movie, I really did not care for it. It was filmed beautifully and the design of it all was amazing. I did not mind the fact that the movie is a darker than the stage version, but I don't like what they did to the score. It seems as if all of the songs that were originally at a slow tempo were done fast and the fast ones slow. That made no sense to me. And while I find Vanessa Redgrave a consummate actress, I would love to see Guinevere played by someone who can sing her numbers as originally written. I think this is definitely worthy of a remake!
9. Rent
The long awaited film adaptation of the Pulitzer Prize winning musical Rent waited a little too long. The original cast was, for me, simply too old to pull it off. While I am a huge fan of the show and an advocate for cast members recreating stage roles on film, something was just amiss here. The young adults of Greenwich Village had become bitter 30 somethings and I really didn't care about them. I'm torn, though, because it really is nice to have the performances preserved on film, but it would have been so much nicer had the original cast still been age appropriate for their roles. There are lots of interesting personalities out there today that could really make a film version of Rent shine!
10. Guys and Dolls
Frank Loesser's most famous work is butchered on film. First, let's cast a big star in the romantic lead. Can he sing? Doesn't matter. Is he tone deaf? Doesn't matter. Can we cast Jean Simmons opposite him? Doesn't matter...know one will remember her in their scenes. Second, let's cast a big star in the 2nd lead and make it twice as big as it's supposed to be. Let's write him some mediocre songs that he can use as filler on his albums. He doesn't sing the title song in the stage version, but let's give it to him here. Third, let's use an original cast member and then cut her number. I mean, let's take the most popular song from the score in its day and replace it with some vapid chorus number so we can dress Miss Blaine up like a cat. Wouldn't that be fun? No, what would be fun would be to see a film version of one of the most popular musicals ever that stuck to the material as it was meant to be done.
1. A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To The Forum
Great cast led by Zero Mostel. It's a very funny movie, but remember it's also a musical. Sondheim did write other songs for the show besides Comedy Tonight. Hearing them would be nice.
2. Mame
What should have been perfect casting was a dismal failure....Lucille Ball starring in the musical Mame. She just did not have the vocal chops to sing these songs....and there are a lot of songs that Mame sings. Even though her acting is fine and there are wonderful actors in supporting roles...Bea Arthur, Robert can sense that everyone is working hard to pretend that this is a fun experience. If Bette Midler did not think she could handle this role on stage 8 times a week, she should at least do a film version!
3. A Chorus Line
Admittedly, I loved this movie when I saw it. I taped it off of HBO and watched it repeatedly. I listened to the soundtrack over and over. And then, for my birthday, my Mom got me tickets to the touring company of the Broadway production. It was then that I realized the hack job that had been done to this show in making the film. It was like almost everything that the stage show wanted to achieve was thrown out in making the movie. Cassie's "star" entrance in the movie had been thrown out very early in the stage version because they wanted her to be on an even playing field. Oops. Also, taking "What I Did For Love" away from the company and giving it to Cassie as a solo was a horrible choice. The song interpretation of following your dreams became just another noxious love song. There are so many talented chorus people in the world, it would be awesome to film this again using those people....which was the whole point to begin with...the unknowns are the stars that keep musicals going. And put Michael Bennett's original choreography down on film and maybe you won't have something that looks like a 2 hour 80's music video...which is what the ACL film is.
4. Gypsy
Gypsy is heralded as one of the most perfect musicals ever written. So, why make a film version and cast its leads with people who can't sing? Karl Malden gives a fine performance and given the fact that the original Herbie, Jack Klugman, was no singer, you don't really notice his lack of voice. Natalie Wood gives the best performance. While her singing is definitely adequate, her transformation from Louise to Gypsy Rose Lee is exquisite. Rosalind Russell, while ever the consummate actress, has about a 3 note range and that does not bode well for this score. She has no problems embodying the spirit of Rose Havoc, but her singing leaves something to be desired. While there are some musical theatre roles that an actor or actress can "speak sing" and get away with, calling it interpretation, Mama Rose is NOT one of those roles.
5. Hello Dolly
If this had been Hello, Dolly! Jr, then the casing of Streisand would have worked. I am a fan of Streisand's but she is clearly too young for this role here. While she sings the score beautifully in true Barbra fashion and her comic abilities are allowed to exhibit, she simply lacks something in this role...a life experience that one does not have at 26. The matchmaker's not 26 years old, but a woman who's been through a lot in her life and gained wisdom because of it. Of course, Streisand could play it now...which isn't a bad idea really, but then she was too young. But, on the heels of her successful film debut in Funny Girl, she could do pretty much whatever role she wanted.
6. Gigi
Gigi is a visually stunning movie. The top notch cast would have been stellar had this movie not been a musical. Not one single person in this film can carry a tune in a bucket. And Gigi walked away with the Best Picture Oscar as well as Best Song, among many others. Maurice Chevalier has a character voice and is not a singer, but he fares better than the others. The music is delightful and I can only imagine what it would sound like with people who could hit the notes.
7. A Little Night Music
Sondheim does not always translate well to film and this one is no exception. Being my absolute favorite of his musicals, I found this one to be lacking. Surprisingly, it was not the musical aspects of it that I disliked. The actors, Taylor included, I felt did well with their musical material. If people argue that Elizabeth Taylor does not sing Send In The Clowns well, I disagree. Her voice is not the greatest, but the role was not written for a great singing voice (Glynis Johns). Anyway, what I would love to see in a remake of Night Music is the charm and romance that the story has. This version is rather stiff and you don't get many of the fun nuances that are there for the taking. It's like when people do Chekhov and don't ever find any of the sophisticated humor in it. It could definitely do with a remake.
8. Camelot
I remember being so excited to finally see the film adaptation of Camelot. I absolutely loved the score, which I had on vinyl, and played it over and over. King Arthur was/is a dream role of mine...oh well. Anyway, when I finally saw the movie, I really did not care for it. It was filmed beautifully and the design of it all was amazing. I did not mind the fact that the movie is a darker than the stage version, but I don't like what they did to the score. It seems as if all of the songs that were originally at a slow tempo were done fast and the fast ones slow. That made no sense to me. And while I find Vanessa Redgrave a consummate actress, I would love to see Guinevere played by someone who can sing her numbers as originally written. I think this is definitely worthy of a remake!
9. Rent
The long awaited film adaptation of the Pulitzer Prize winning musical Rent waited a little too long. The original cast was, for me, simply too old to pull it off. While I am a huge fan of the show and an advocate for cast members recreating stage roles on film, something was just amiss here. The young adults of Greenwich Village had become bitter 30 somethings and I really didn't care about them. I'm torn, though, because it really is nice to have the performances preserved on film, but it would have been so much nicer had the original cast still been age appropriate for their roles. There are lots of interesting personalities out there today that could really make a film version of Rent shine!
10. Guys and Dolls
Frank Loesser's most famous work is butchered on film. First, let's cast a big star in the romantic lead. Can he sing? Doesn't matter. Is he tone deaf? Doesn't matter. Can we cast Jean Simmons opposite him? Doesn't matter...know one will remember her in their scenes. Second, let's cast a big star in the 2nd lead and make it twice as big as it's supposed to be. Let's write him some mediocre songs that he can use as filler on his albums. He doesn't sing the title song in the stage version, but let's give it to him here. Third, let's use an original cast member and then cut her number. I mean, let's take the most popular song from the score in its day and replace it with some vapid chorus number so we can dress Miss Blaine up like a cat. Wouldn't that be fun? No, what would be fun would be to see a film version of one of the most popular musicals ever that stuck to the material as it was meant to be done.
Wednesday, January 24, 2018
Quitting Smoking Update
Well, it's been over 3 weeks now since my last cigarette. 25 days to be exact. And according to my calculator, that's over 750 cigarettes not smoked and over $250 not spent buying cigarettes. So far so good! I'm actually pretty happy with my progress.
Healthwise, I don't feel as good as I did the first 2 weeks of not smoking. Our weather has been up and down and that has affected my sinuses. I am having a lot of drainage, and our gas heat is not helping by drying my out constantly, so as a result my throat always seems to be sore when I'm home. If it doesn't get any better, I will take myself to see a doctor soon. I am also having an increase in acid reflux, which is adding to the irritation of my throat. Still, I can deal with this and am positive this is not something I will deal with forever.
I am trying to reward myself for quitting smoking. I am giving myself $50 out of each paycheck to spend on something for myself. It's not like I need anything, but I do feel like I should be able to treat myself to something. I bid on a few things on Ebay but have already been outbid on those items. And while upping my bid would stay within my $50 limit, I have a hard rule to bid only once on something and then walk away. I let fate take its course. Otherwise, I will get competitive and start spending more money than I should LOL Anyway, now I am looking at a few other things I might want for myself, specifically a few magazines that I would enjoy subscribing to. We shall see.
Anyway, that's today's update. Thanks for all of the support!!
Healthwise, I don't feel as good as I did the first 2 weeks of not smoking. Our weather has been up and down and that has affected my sinuses. I am having a lot of drainage, and our gas heat is not helping by drying my out constantly, so as a result my throat always seems to be sore when I'm home. If it doesn't get any better, I will take myself to see a doctor soon. I am also having an increase in acid reflux, which is adding to the irritation of my throat. Still, I can deal with this and am positive this is not something I will deal with forever.
I am trying to reward myself for quitting smoking. I am giving myself $50 out of each paycheck to spend on something for myself. It's not like I need anything, but I do feel like I should be able to treat myself to something. I bid on a few things on Ebay but have already been outbid on those items. And while upping my bid would stay within my $50 limit, I have a hard rule to bid only once on something and then walk away. I let fate take its course. Otherwise, I will get competitive and start spending more money than I should LOL Anyway, now I am looking at a few other things I might want for myself, specifically a few magazines that I would enjoy subscribing to. We shall see.
Anyway, that's today's update. Thanks for all of the support!!
Monday, January 22, 2018
Quote of the day
One of the deepest secrets of life is that all that is really worth doing is what we do for others.
Lewis Carroll
Lewis Carroll
Wednesday, January 17, 2018
Thought of the day - driving in the snow
When I went to work this morning, it had been snowing less than an hour. The roads were fine and the snow was beginning to stick to the yards and houses along the way. It continued to snow for the rest of the day, basically. So, when I left work this afternoon, snow was every where. Of course, that meant that the roads were not in good shape. But what else could I do but drive in it. So, with my blinkers on, I hit the road and started my trek homeward. It was not all that bad really because, at most, I was driving 22 mph. I drove down Wendover Ave., one of the main thoroughfares of Greensboro. I knew this would be the most direct and safest route between work and home. What is normally a 3 lane (in one direction) highway had become a snow covered single lane fairway with tracks barely visible in certain spots.
Snow is one of those happenings that I really enjoy from inside my house. I do not really like getting out in it all that much, especially in a vehicle. I cannot tell you the last time I drove in snow like today. I honestly do not remember because I do whatever I can to avoid it. I definitely white knuckled it all the way home. There was actually very little traffic on the road this afternoon which I was glad of and amazingly I only got passed once. I did slowly glide through a few stop signs once I got off of the main roads and into my neighborhood...oh well. I did make sure that no one was coming and I was going slow enough I could have stopped if I needed to. At least, that was my reasoning. I really just wanted to get home and out of my car and into my warm house with Michael and Squirt.
It's funny that as a kid, I remember both of my parents having to drive in the snow. Sometimes it was because they were at work when the snow began. Sometimes it was because school let out early because it started snowing. Sometimes it was because one of them would drive to get Grandmother so that she could spend the snow days with us. But, I never remember either one of them being afraid of driving in the snow. If they were, they sure did put on a good poker face about it. I guess it's just something that they knew they had to do. I bet they had more practice at it as teenagers and young adults than we did. Still, they never complained.
So, I had to take some of that parental spirit with me today on the road. My goal was to do a good day's work, then to get home to my family. And that's exactly what I did. I conquered today's fear by driving 20 mph for 35 minutes on a drive that normally takes only 10. And without having a cigarette...which is big because my anxiety today made me really want one. Once again, when my fear begins to overwhelm me, I find myself looking to my parents for guidance. I never really thought that I would still be doing this at my age, but I am glad that I do.
Next year, my goal is to live in a warmer climate. If that's not possible, then at least I know I can creep along on the snow covered streets without too much fear. Thanks, Mom and Dad!
Snow is one of those happenings that I really enjoy from inside my house. I do not really like getting out in it all that much, especially in a vehicle. I cannot tell you the last time I drove in snow like today. I honestly do not remember because I do whatever I can to avoid it. I definitely white knuckled it all the way home. There was actually very little traffic on the road this afternoon which I was glad of and amazingly I only got passed once. I did slowly glide through a few stop signs once I got off of the main roads and into my neighborhood...oh well. I did make sure that no one was coming and I was going slow enough I could have stopped if I needed to. At least, that was my reasoning. I really just wanted to get home and out of my car and into my warm house with Michael and Squirt.
It's funny that as a kid, I remember both of my parents having to drive in the snow. Sometimes it was because they were at work when the snow began. Sometimes it was because school let out early because it started snowing. Sometimes it was because one of them would drive to get Grandmother so that she could spend the snow days with us. But, I never remember either one of them being afraid of driving in the snow. If they were, they sure did put on a good poker face about it. I guess it's just something that they knew they had to do. I bet they had more practice at it as teenagers and young adults than we did. Still, they never complained.
So, I had to take some of that parental spirit with me today on the road. My goal was to do a good day's work, then to get home to my family. And that's exactly what I did. I conquered today's fear by driving 20 mph for 35 minutes on a drive that normally takes only 10. And without having a cigarette...which is big because my anxiety today made me really want one. Once again, when my fear begins to overwhelm me, I find myself looking to my parents for guidance. I never really thought that I would still be doing this at my age, but I am glad that I do.
Next year, my goal is to live in a warmer climate. If that's not possible, then at least I know I can creep along on the snow covered streets without too much fear. Thanks, Mom and Dad!
Tuesday, January 16, 2018
Quitting Smoking Update
Well, here I am...2 weeks and 3 days without a cigarette. I've now passed the 500+ cigarettes that I haven't smoked and almost $175 I have not spent on cigarettes. I have to admit, it is a great feeling of accomplishment so far and I am glad to be doing it.
This week is different though, as I'm feeling more of the physical effects than I have been. Or, maybe it's this constantly changing weather we are having...who knows. My breathing is a little heavier than it was last week. I am sleeping mostly through the night, but am having very vivid, strange dreams thanks to the patches I wear. I actually find the dreams fun because most of them are just a tad on the bizarre side. I really need to write them down. Anyway, I dream almost all night long and I tend to wake up after each dream, so needless to say I am not sleeping straight through but waking up 5 or 6 times each night. Oh well, that's how it goes. It won't last forever.
Anyway, I'm pretty happy with things so far. I appreciate all of the encouragement that I have received from people...that's pretty amazing. Tomorrow is going to be the really big test because we are expecting snow over night that will last until around noon. I am pretty anxious about being out in the snow in my car and have not experience a winter storm without smoking in a few decades. So, how I handle this tomorrow is of great importance to me. I cannot/will not call in to work unless there is an extreme emergency. I can do this.
It'll be an interesting 24 hours, that is all.
This week is different though, as I'm feeling more of the physical effects than I have been. Or, maybe it's this constantly changing weather we are having...who knows. My breathing is a little heavier than it was last week. I am sleeping mostly through the night, but am having very vivid, strange dreams thanks to the patches I wear. I actually find the dreams fun because most of them are just a tad on the bizarre side. I really need to write them down. Anyway, I dream almost all night long and I tend to wake up after each dream, so needless to say I am not sleeping straight through but waking up 5 or 6 times each night. Oh well, that's how it goes. It won't last forever.
Anyway, I'm pretty happy with things so far. I appreciate all of the encouragement that I have received from people...that's pretty amazing. Tomorrow is going to be the really big test because we are expecting snow over night that will last until around noon. I am pretty anxious about being out in the snow in my car and have not experience a winter storm without smoking in a few decades. So, how I handle this tomorrow is of great importance to me. I cannot/will not call in to work unless there is an extreme emergency. I can do this.
It'll be an interesting 24 hours, that is all.
Saturday, January 13, 2018
Thought of the day
It's always sad to me once all of my Christmas decor is put away. I never do that the day after Christmas, like many people do, but instead I enjoy it into the beginning of January. I figure that I should enjoy it until at least Epiphany, if not longer. And honestly, it's usually longer but so what. It takes a while to get all of the decorations up anyway, so why not enjoy the hard work for more than a few weeks? Makes sense to me.
Today I finally put away the last of my decorations. In some ways, I already miss them but in other ways, I see a clean slate with which to work from this year. I know where the decorations are if I ever feel the immediate need to put them out again. I will continue to enjoy my Christmas music though as that is one of my go to's when I am feeling down and want to be in a happy place.
Each year, with Christmas, comes the overwhelming nostalgia that I cherish, even more so than normal for me. If you know me at all, you know that I cherish memories of the past and share them. I love the sense of comfort that they bring to me and I want to incorporate that even more in my every day life. I don't necessarily mean for me to dig deeper and find more memories, even though I would thoroughly enjoy that, but more of taking those feelings that the memories bring me and discovering what in my present life does or can make me feel the same way.
This year, I want to create more traditions and get back to my roots a little more. I need to be a person who lives life in real time and not through the artificial means that have become society's norm. I realize that this will totally put me in the minority, but so what? Nothing wrong with being different...that I can truly attest to.
Anyway, decorations are put away and more cleaning and purging will take place later on today. Even if I don't completely achieve the personal goals I am setting, at least I am making plans and dreams and trying.
That is all.
Today I finally put away the last of my decorations. In some ways, I already miss them but in other ways, I see a clean slate with which to work from this year. I know where the decorations are if I ever feel the immediate need to put them out again. I will continue to enjoy my Christmas music though as that is one of my go to's when I am feeling down and want to be in a happy place.
Each year, with Christmas, comes the overwhelming nostalgia that I cherish, even more so than normal for me. If you know me at all, you know that I cherish memories of the past and share them. I love the sense of comfort that they bring to me and I want to incorporate that even more in my every day life. I don't necessarily mean for me to dig deeper and find more memories, even though I would thoroughly enjoy that, but more of taking those feelings that the memories bring me and discovering what in my present life does or can make me feel the same way.
This year, I want to create more traditions and get back to my roots a little more. I need to be a person who lives life in real time and not through the artificial means that have become society's norm. I realize that this will totally put me in the minority, but so what? Nothing wrong with being different...that I can truly attest to.
Anyway, decorations are put away and more cleaning and purging will take place later on today. Even if I don't completely achieve the personal goals I am setting, at least I am making plans and dreams and trying.
That is all.
Thursday, January 11, 2018
Thought of the day
It's interesting to watch how different people handle different situations. I am not saying that there is always a right way and a wrong way to do it, just different ways. And, depending on the particular situation, everyone has a different journey to take and no one is expected to do things exactly the same way.
I am almost 2 weeks into my quitting smoking. I'm pretty proud of this and how I am handling it all. Actually, it has been a great deal easier than I anticipated. Yes, I do have times of quiet desperation and times when the urge really hits me, but I deal with it and move on. And, honestly, those times haven't been all that hard to deal with either. If I had known it would be like this, I would have done this years ago. Oh, well, no sense in worrying about that.
One of the reasons I am dealing with this so well is my familial roots. I come from good stock, from people who were and are the epitome of good. They knew how to deal with life's trials both publicly and privately. From this, I have learned a lot without even realizing it. Part of it is the southern way of can inform people of something bad going on, but there is no reason to put any of that on display for the world to see. You smile as best you can and you keep going. That is not to say become stoic and ignore all just does not have to make a spectacle of oneself in order to deal with something.
I have a friend who is also quitting smoking. We quit around the same time and I probably smoked at least 4 to 5 times the amount that he did. I have been amazed, though, to watch him deal with quitting. He smacks the nicorette gum as if his life depends on it and is using a straw to replace having a cigarette in his hand. Both of these are fine tools to aid in quitting smoking and they obviously work for him. I just find it on the humorous side that if you saw the two of us sitting side by side, you would never guess that I was the chainsmoker. He's letting you know that he's quitting before anyone ever says a word and I am just sitting there making conversation.
Like I said, there's no right or wrong on how to deal with things most of the time. I just think it's interesting to see how 2 different people handle the same situation so very differently. Makes the world an interesting place, I suppose.
I am almost 2 weeks into my quitting smoking. I'm pretty proud of this and how I am handling it all. Actually, it has been a great deal easier than I anticipated. Yes, I do have times of quiet desperation and times when the urge really hits me, but I deal with it and move on. And, honestly, those times haven't been all that hard to deal with either. If I had known it would be like this, I would have done this years ago. Oh, well, no sense in worrying about that.
One of the reasons I am dealing with this so well is my familial roots. I come from good stock, from people who were and are the epitome of good. They knew how to deal with life's trials both publicly and privately. From this, I have learned a lot without even realizing it. Part of it is the southern way of can inform people of something bad going on, but there is no reason to put any of that on display for the world to see. You smile as best you can and you keep going. That is not to say become stoic and ignore all just does not have to make a spectacle of oneself in order to deal with something.
I have a friend who is also quitting smoking. We quit around the same time and I probably smoked at least 4 to 5 times the amount that he did. I have been amazed, though, to watch him deal with quitting. He smacks the nicorette gum as if his life depends on it and is using a straw to replace having a cigarette in his hand. Both of these are fine tools to aid in quitting smoking and they obviously work for him. I just find it on the humorous side that if you saw the two of us sitting side by side, you would never guess that I was the chainsmoker. He's letting you know that he's quitting before anyone ever says a word and I am just sitting there making conversation.
Like I said, there's no right or wrong on how to deal with things most of the time. I just think it's interesting to see how 2 different people handle the same situation so very differently. Makes the world an interesting place, I suppose.
Quote of the day
A heart is not judged by how much you love, but by how much you are loved by others
Wizard of Oz Screenplay
Wizard of Oz Screenplay
Saturday, January 6, 2018
Recipe of the Day - Gooey Butter Cake
In my cooking adventures this year, I am going to try to make at least one dish each week that I have never made before. I spent the other day going through one of Mom's recipe boxes and came across this cake recipe. It is definitely in her handwriting even though I do not ever remember her making it. But, as Ginny Brock pointed out to me, if she made it then it was good! So true :)
I enjoyed trying this recipe out and I believe it turned out well. I will definitely make it again!
Gooey Butter Cake
In a small bowl, mix together:
8 oz cream cheese, softened
2 eggs
1 teaspoon of vanilla
1 box of confectioner's sugar
In a large bowl, mix together:
1 box of white cake mix
2 eggs
1 stick of melted butter
The mixture in the large bowl will make a stiff batter. Spread into a lightly greased 13x9 pan. Spread the topping from the small bowl on top of batter. Bake at 350 for 40 minutes.
I enjoyed trying this recipe out and I believe it turned out well. I will definitely make it again!
Gooey Butter Cake
In a small bowl, mix together:
8 oz cream cheese, softened
2 eggs
1 teaspoon of vanilla
1 box of confectioner's sugar
In a large bowl, mix together:
1 box of white cake mix
2 eggs
1 stick of melted butter
The mixture in the large bowl will make a stiff batter. Spread into a lightly greased 13x9 pan. Spread the topping from the small bowl on top of batter. Bake at 350 for 40 minutes.
Thursday, January 4, 2018
Quitting Smoking Update
Today marks the 5th day since I have had a cigarette. I cut back a great deal the week of Christmas then began weening myself off of them. On 12-30-2017, I had my last one. I am on the patch which is helping, even though I often have bizarre dreams but that's a small price to pay.
The longer I go without a cigarette, the easier it is. It is almost like being in physical therapy. Since I have smoked for 22 years, I am having to relearn how to do almost everything sans cigarettes. Things like driving, going to the grocery store without buying any, walking Squirt, being home alone without stepping onto the porch for a smoke. The more I do these things without smokes, the easier they get so I suppose, in a way, this is like physical therapy. I have also been sick for the last little while with a cold, so I figured this would be a good time to stop.
According to my online calculator just now, I have not smoked 153 cigarettes or spent $51.54 on cigarettes and have added about half a day to my life.
Baby steps.
That is all
The longer I go without a cigarette, the easier it is. It is almost like being in physical therapy. Since I have smoked for 22 years, I am having to relearn how to do almost everything sans cigarettes. Things like driving, going to the grocery store without buying any, walking Squirt, being home alone without stepping onto the porch for a smoke. The more I do these things without smokes, the easier they get so I suppose, in a way, this is like physical therapy. I have also been sick for the last little while with a cold, so I figured this would be a good time to stop.
According to my online calculator just now, I have not smoked 153 cigarettes or spent $51.54 on cigarettes and have added about half a day to my life.
Baby steps.
That is all
Wednesday, January 3, 2018
Thought for the day - how Christmas gifts change as you age...or do they?
Now that the Christmas season is almost over, I am reflecting upon the many wonderful gifts I received this year and how my attitude towards what I want for Christmas has changed, mostly, as I have gotten older. While growing up in the late 70's and the 80's, for me the official beginning of the holiday season came with the arrival of the Sear's Wish Book.
I remember the Sears we had in Monroe at that time. It was mostly an appliance store. You did not buy clothes and toys and such there, but we did get our bulk detergent from there I recall. And every year, Mom would stop by Sears, which was at the end of the shopping center where Rose's was on Skyway Drive, and buy a Wish Book for us. I would spend hours looking at all of the amazing toy layouts that they had in the book, furiously writing down my choices of what Santa was to bring me. Ah, that was Christmas to me!
As I am now an adult, my tastes have changed somewhat. I rarely ask for anything that isn't practical anymore. Presents, such as clothes, which would have disappointed me as a child, now make me very happy. Of course, there will always be silly gifts and fun gifts, especially with stockings because that's what they're for. But now I crave things that can be part of my daily life.
Michael always says that he doesn't pay attention and gets me gifts that he is unsure if I'll like or not. Actually, he listens quite well as proof with the antique milk glass deviled egg plate he got me a few Christmases ago. More importantly, he knows the things that I need and things I will use and out of that knowledge come wonderful he does pay attention whether or not he realizes it.
This Christmas, I got things like socks and underwear, which I was thrilled about. I got a kitchen funnel and a pair of salad tongs, both of which I will use. Oddly enough, I have been wanting salad tongs for years and was going to put them on my list if I had ever gotten around to making one. Anyone who works in hospitality will agree that the foot spa and foot massager I received are both extremely welcomed additions to our home! These are all things that, as a child, I probably would have balked at. As a young child, I might have even made a scene if I had opened up a beautifully wrapped package only to find underwear there. These gifts aren't the shiny toys I longed for in my childhood. These are the ones I long for in my adulthood!
But then, I open up something that brings a flood of memories back. Once again, I am a child. And Michael thinks he's not paying attention. I disagree.
Happy Holidays!
I remember the Sears we had in Monroe at that time. It was mostly an appliance store. You did not buy clothes and toys and such there, but we did get our bulk detergent from there I recall. And every year, Mom would stop by Sears, which was at the end of the shopping center where Rose's was on Skyway Drive, and buy a Wish Book for us. I would spend hours looking at all of the amazing toy layouts that they had in the book, furiously writing down my choices of what Santa was to bring me. Ah, that was Christmas to me!
As I am now an adult, my tastes have changed somewhat. I rarely ask for anything that isn't practical anymore. Presents, such as clothes, which would have disappointed me as a child, now make me very happy. Of course, there will always be silly gifts and fun gifts, especially with stockings because that's what they're for. But now I crave things that can be part of my daily life.
Michael always says that he doesn't pay attention and gets me gifts that he is unsure if I'll like or not. Actually, he listens quite well as proof with the antique milk glass deviled egg plate he got me a few Christmases ago. More importantly, he knows the things that I need and things I will use and out of that knowledge come wonderful he does pay attention whether or not he realizes it.
This Christmas, I got things like socks and underwear, which I was thrilled about. I got a kitchen funnel and a pair of salad tongs, both of which I will use. Oddly enough, I have been wanting salad tongs for years and was going to put them on my list if I had ever gotten around to making one. Anyone who works in hospitality will agree that the foot spa and foot massager I received are both extremely welcomed additions to our home! These are all things that, as a child, I probably would have balked at. As a young child, I might have even made a scene if I had opened up a beautifully wrapped package only to find underwear there. These gifts aren't the shiny toys I longed for in my childhood. These are the ones I long for in my adulthood!
But then, I open up something that brings a flood of memories back. Once again, I am a child. And Michael thinks he's not paying attention. I disagree.
Happy Holidays!
Tuesday, January 2, 2018
Thought for the day
I got angry at work this morning. And, I expressed that several times. Of course, it never does anyone any good to do that because no one takes responsibility for anything and rarely is anyone ever disciplined/written up/whatever you want to call it for their lack of effort. Most days I just accept that and move on, but not today.
Over Christmas, we had a virus outbreak in one of our buildings. As a result of that, our dining room was closed and boxed meals were provided to the residents. Makes sense to me. That way, the virus does not get spread and it is easier to maintain control of it.
I was working in the dining room in our assisted living facility, breakfast and lunch. I get there around 6:30 a.m. and it's only me and the chef until we open the doors. Around 6:45, I had to go up to the main dining room to get a few things I needed for breakfast and then I returned to continue my set up. As I was finishing presetting some things for residents, one of the CNA's pops her head in and asks if we were open. I told her that we'd be open at 7:30 and she meant were we actually going to open the dining room today because it was closed yesterday. Apparently the virus had made it's way down to assisted living. Anyway, no one told us not to open the dining room, so that's what we did.
I didn't have my usual crowd there, but maybe about 10 showed up. Almost everyone else was sick and meals in their rooms. After breakfast is done, the chef receives a call from the executive chef that explains that we are supposed to be closed today and why did we open up at all? I guess, since neither of us worked the past few days, we were magically supposed to know not to open the dining room. There was no phone calls, texts or emails....telling us what was going on and how we would be operating today. So how were we supposed to know in the first place. Someone in the know, and there were several in the main dining room way before we opened for breakfast, could have tried to make sure we knew what was going on. NOPE!!!!!
And, on top of that, both of us were put at risk of getting sick by opening the dining room. And we put our residents at risk as well. It was quite frustrating. And then a manager had the nerve to blame the CNA's for not telling us. It's not their job. It's not their dining room. They don't make that decision. YOU DO!!!!
Needless to say, it was a frustrating day. I'm looking forward to my transfer. Soon.
Over Christmas, we had a virus outbreak in one of our buildings. As a result of that, our dining room was closed and boxed meals were provided to the residents. Makes sense to me. That way, the virus does not get spread and it is easier to maintain control of it.
I was working in the dining room in our assisted living facility, breakfast and lunch. I get there around 6:30 a.m. and it's only me and the chef until we open the doors. Around 6:45, I had to go up to the main dining room to get a few things I needed for breakfast and then I returned to continue my set up. As I was finishing presetting some things for residents, one of the CNA's pops her head in and asks if we were open. I told her that we'd be open at 7:30 and she meant were we actually going to open the dining room today because it was closed yesterday. Apparently the virus had made it's way down to assisted living. Anyway, no one told us not to open the dining room, so that's what we did.
I didn't have my usual crowd there, but maybe about 10 showed up. Almost everyone else was sick and meals in their rooms. After breakfast is done, the chef receives a call from the executive chef that explains that we are supposed to be closed today and why did we open up at all? I guess, since neither of us worked the past few days, we were magically supposed to know not to open the dining room. There was no phone calls, texts or emails....telling us what was going on and how we would be operating today. So how were we supposed to know in the first place. Someone in the know, and there were several in the main dining room way before we opened for breakfast, could have tried to make sure we knew what was going on. NOPE!!!!!
And, on top of that, both of us were put at risk of getting sick by opening the dining room. And we put our residents at risk as well. It was quite frustrating. And then a manager had the nerve to blame the CNA's for not telling us. It's not their job. It's not their dining room. They don't make that decision. YOU DO!!!!
Needless to say, it was a frustrating day. I'm looking forward to my transfer. Soon.
Monday, January 1, 2018
List of the day - Musical theatre songs I should love but don't
Musical Theatre is full of wonderful music. There are so many scores and songs that I love and listen to over and over. However, there are always going to be songs that I just do not care for. Many people love them, but that does not mean they are for everyone. We all like what we like, right? That's what makes life interesting.
These are 10 songs that I simply do not care for 9 times out of 10. No offense to those who like the songs, it's just my personal preference.
1. Music of the Night - This song from Phantom of the Opera is used in the show to put Christine in a trance, under the spell of the phantom. It sure puts me in a trance and sometimes I wake myself up from snoring.
2. Meadowlark - Narratives are hard to do. I remember from my theatre days that narrative monologues were difficult to pull off convincingly. The same goes for a narrative song. It's a nice story this song tells, but I have never enjoyed hearing anyone except Susan Egan sing it. It's one of Betty Buckley's signature tunes and when I finally heard her perform it, it fell quite flat. Here's Patti Lupone's version:
3. All I Need is the Girl - I have never understood why this song is in the show to begin with. It is sung by Tulsa in Act II, which is pretty much his only scene besides being a chorus boy. So, why waste 5 minutes of time on someone no one cares about til this point? I often wondered who the original actor was sleeping with to get this number put in the show. I always skip right over this one on every single recording of Gypsy I have.
4. The American Dream - Yippee. Just don't care for it.
5. Seasons of Love - This song from Rent became everyone's emotional ballad in the 90's. I actually enjoyed it the first 525,600 times I heard it. It was that 525,601st time that pushed me over the edge. Now, when I hear the opening chords, I either wretch or leave the room or both. Enjoy!
6. Pretty Women - This duet from Sweeney Todd has become a staple for guys with wide vibratos who believe diction is not important. The original was fine, but I have heard it massacred many times to the point I'd rather not anymore.
7. Too Darn Hot - The Act II opener from Kiss Me, Kate. I can see how the lyrics in 1948 were risque' and the song was banned from radio airplay for awhile. Still, I find it on the monotonous side. And the staging's I've seen of it have been, across the board, rather boring.
8. Vanilla Ice Cream - She Loves Me is the almost forgotten musical. Now, I wish auditioning sopranos would forget this one.
9. More I Cannot Wish You - Yet again, we find another song given to a very minor character who, up to this point in the 2nd act, has said only a few words and why should we care? I find the song bland and do not think this moment needed to be musicalized.
10. Someone To Watch Over Me - This song, from 1926's Oh, Kay! is ok, but it is hard to sing and few can do it. While it leaves plenty of good room for interpretation vocally, it is very easy to take it one step too far switching between head voice and chest voice. It's just not at the top of my Gershwin playlist.
These are 10 songs that I simply do not care for 9 times out of 10. No offense to those who like the songs, it's just my personal preference.
1. Music of the Night - This song from Phantom of the Opera is used in the show to put Christine in a trance, under the spell of the phantom. It sure puts me in a trance and sometimes I wake myself up from snoring.
2. Meadowlark - Narratives are hard to do. I remember from my theatre days that narrative monologues were difficult to pull off convincingly. The same goes for a narrative song. It's a nice story this song tells, but I have never enjoyed hearing anyone except Susan Egan sing it. It's one of Betty Buckley's signature tunes and when I finally heard her perform it, it fell quite flat. Here's Patti Lupone's version:
3. All I Need is the Girl - I have never understood why this song is in the show to begin with. It is sung by Tulsa in Act II, which is pretty much his only scene besides being a chorus boy. So, why waste 5 minutes of time on someone no one cares about til this point? I often wondered who the original actor was sleeping with to get this number put in the show. I always skip right over this one on every single recording of Gypsy I have.
4. The American Dream - Yippee. Just don't care for it.
5. Seasons of Love - This song from Rent became everyone's emotional ballad in the 90's. I actually enjoyed it the first 525,600 times I heard it. It was that 525,601st time that pushed me over the edge. Now, when I hear the opening chords, I either wretch or leave the room or both. Enjoy!
6. Pretty Women - This duet from Sweeney Todd has become a staple for guys with wide vibratos who believe diction is not important. The original was fine, but I have heard it massacred many times to the point I'd rather not anymore.
7. Too Darn Hot - The Act II opener from Kiss Me, Kate. I can see how the lyrics in 1948 were risque' and the song was banned from radio airplay for awhile. Still, I find it on the monotonous side. And the staging's I've seen of it have been, across the board, rather boring.
8. Vanilla Ice Cream - She Loves Me is the almost forgotten musical. Now, I wish auditioning sopranos would forget this one.
9. More I Cannot Wish You - Yet again, we find another song given to a very minor character who, up to this point in the 2nd act, has said only a few words and why should we care? I find the song bland and do not think this moment needed to be musicalized.
10. Someone To Watch Over Me - This song, from 1926's Oh, Kay! is ok, but it is hard to sing and few can do it. While it leaves plenty of good room for interpretation vocally, it is very easy to take it one step too far switching between head voice and chest voice. It's just not at the top of my Gershwin playlist.
Thought for the day - 2018
Here we are, the first day of 2018. It seems almost surreal to be saying that. Ah, well, here it is and forward we go! Needless to say, last year was pretty tumultuous, so I won't spell anything out about it. You were there. You know what all is going on.
So, as with most people, I have made a few resolutions. And, like most people, I make the same ones every year and do almost nothing about it. I think that this year I am going to treat them differently and look at them in a different perspective....not as resolutions so much as goals. I have definite goals I want to achieve this year, so we shall see how I do.
I have the standard goals of exercising more (or at all in my case), quitting smoking (2 days down so far...withdrawal's a bitch), attending church more regularly (once my work schedule changes, that will improve)...yada yada. These are all achievable goals, but standard and there are more I can add to the list.
What I really want this year is to be the person I was raised to be. Sometimes I believe that I might be biting off more than I can chew with that one LOL I come from pretty good stock and it is time I grow up and act like it. Not that there is anything particularly wrong with me now, it is just that the examples that were set before me I have not even come close to reaching them.
There are certainly times I know I am following the examples set by Mom, Dad and Grandmother. When I sit down to write a letter. When I spend time setting the table. When I stop myself from impulse buying because I really can't afford it. Things like this may seem trivial to some, but they are all a part of who I was brought up to be. I cherish that and it is high time that I stop ignoring it. My heritage needs to be a part of my daily existence...physically, mentally, emotionally.
Anything is achievable if I put my mind to it. The problem is many times my mind gets in the way. I can do this though.
Happy New Year!
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