Saturday, January 27, 2018

Why is it hard for me to be a good person?

Karma's a bitch, plain and simple.  I know that I have done many rotten, selfish things in my life.  I recognize that.  I own it.  Why?  Because there's no need in denying things that happened.  They have made me who I am today.  Would I go back and change things?  Yes, I probably would in many cases.  Can I?  No because it's in the past.  So I must acknowledge these things in life and move forward.  Yet, it seems that almost every time I feel like I am moving forward, life likes to kick me in the balls. 

I really want to be a good person, but I'm no longer sure that characteristic is in the cards for me.  I grew up with great examples of people who were and still are basically good human beings.  I try, but I never succeed to their level.  Not that I have to be like someone else, it's just a goal to strive for.  I have lately been feeling good about things in my life...changes made to benefit my health, advancing at work, trying to be productive, etc.  Maybe I was more proud than feeling good.  And then all it takes is one thing to bring me back to the reality that I can be a lousy human being.  And that one little thing snowballs in memories and feelings of things past and I become pretty useless to the human race.

So, today I will be content in my own mediocrity because I don't feel like fighting it anymore.  This is a pretty opposite feeling of how I was a few days ago, but that's how it goes.  It just takes one thing for all of my work to be erased from my heart.  Ah, well.

That is all.

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