Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Quitting Smoking Update

Well, it's been over 3 weeks now since my last cigarette.  25 days to be exact.  And according to my calculator, that's over 750 cigarettes not smoked and over $250 not spent buying cigarettes.  So far so good!  I'm actually pretty happy with my progress. 

Healthwise, I don't feel as good as I did the first 2 weeks of not smoking.  Our weather has been up and down and that has affected my sinuses.  I am having a lot of drainage, and our gas heat is not helping by drying my out constantly, so as a result my throat always seems to be sore when I'm home.  If it doesn't get any better, I will take myself to see a doctor soon.  I am also having an increase in acid reflux, which is adding to the irritation of my throat.  Still, I can deal with this and am positive this is not something I will deal with forever.

I am trying to reward myself for quitting smoking.  I am giving myself $50 out of each paycheck to spend on something for myself.  It's not like I need anything, but I do feel like I should be able to treat myself to something.  I bid on a few things on Ebay but have already been outbid on those items.  And while upping my bid would stay within my $50 limit, I have a hard rule to bid only once on something and then walk away.  I let fate take its course.  Otherwise, I will get competitive and start spending more money than I should LOL  Anyway, now I am looking at a few other things I might want for myself, specifically a few magazines that I would enjoy subscribing to.  We shall see.

Anyway, that's today's update.  Thanks for all of the support!!

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