Thursday, January 11, 2018

Thought of the day

It's interesting to watch how different people handle different situations.  I am not saying that there is always a right way and a wrong way to do it, just different ways.  And, depending on the particular situation, everyone has a different journey to take and no one is expected to do things exactly the same way. 

I am almost 2 weeks into my quitting smoking.  I'm pretty proud of this and how I am handling it all.  Actually, it has been a great deal easier than I anticipated.  Yes, I do have times of quiet desperation and times when the urge really hits me, but I deal with it and move on.  And, honestly, those times haven't been all that hard to deal with either.  If I had known it would be like this, I would have done this years ago.  Oh, well, no sense in worrying about that.

One of the reasons I am dealing with this so well is my familial roots.  I come from good stock, from people who were and are the epitome of good.  They knew how to deal with life's trials both publicly and privately.  From this, I have learned a lot without even realizing it.  Part of it is the southern way of can inform people of something bad going on, but there is no reason to put any of that on display for the world to see.  You smile as best you can and you keep going.  That is not to say become stoic and ignore all just does not have to make a spectacle of oneself in order to deal with something. 

I have a friend who is also quitting smoking.  We quit around the same time and I probably smoked at least 4 to 5 times the amount that he did.  I have been amazed, though, to watch him deal with quitting.  He smacks the nicorette gum as if his life depends on it and is using a straw to replace having a cigarette in his hand.  Both of these are fine tools to aid in quitting smoking and they obviously work for him.  I just find it on the humorous side that if you saw the two of us sitting side by side, you would never guess that I was the chainsmoker.  He's letting you know that he's quitting before anyone ever says a word and I am just sitting there making conversation. 

Like I said, there's no right or wrong on how to deal with things most of the time.  I just think it's interesting to see how 2 different people handle the same situation so very differently.  Makes the world an interesting place, I suppose.


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