Monday, October 14, 2019

Thought for the day

Despite being on the downside of a cold, it's always nice to wake up in a good mood.  I woke up before my alarm this morning, which is still set pretty early even though I'm off of work today.  I need to be up to make sure that Michael gets up on time, otherwise he might sleep til noon!  I started the coffee and went on the porch to put some food out for black kitty.  Having my first cup of coffee on the porch, enjoying the cool autumn weather and black kitty up in my lap, I thought about how good life is today.  I'm not really sure why I had that sudden feeling, but I love having that.  

I've got a lot of things I need and want to get done today and I anticipate getting most of them done.  I can relax in the fact that the bills are paid and there's still some money in the bank account, finally.  Michael is enjoying his new job and that's just incredible as it's been a long time since he was stuck in an undesirable situation for so long.  I'm loving my job at the moment, even though there are times of frustration.  We're heading out of town later this week for a few days at the beach and, despite the weather being iffy, it will be so nice for us to get away together.  And Squirt is going with us.

It's simply been one of those mornings where I realize how blessed I am.  I will not take it for granted anymore because not everyone is as fortunate as I am. Life is good and will only get better from here on out, no matter what is thrown my way.  I am rebuilding an excellent foundation for my life and look forward to each new day.  Now, onto getting my day of blissful domestic duties started!  Have a wonderful day ya'll!

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