Sunday, July 26, 2020

A Quiet Moment

This morning, I got up and made my normal routine.  Gotta have my coffee! It was around 7 a.m. and the sun was up, but not full blast yet.  So, I took my first cup of coffee and sat out on the porch.  It was so peaceful.  With life having quieted down in so many ways, I just sat and enjoyed the stillness of it all.  Of course, there was movement.  Birds at the birdfeeder.  The breeze blowing through the trees.  Squirrels out on the hunt for breakfast.  No cars yet, no people out yet.  None of the neighbors were up and moving that I could see.  It was just a peaceful moment for me to enjoy my morning beverage.

In my mind, I began singing a song that we once sang in youth choir at FBC Monroe.  I didn't remember all of the words but I remember the melody.  It was called God's Gifts.  I don't remember who wrote the anthem and have not had much luck finding it online, but I do remember the first verse:

Fresh springs, mountain air
Birds singing, beauty everywhere
All of life, so rich and free
God did this because He loves me

And somehow it just fit perfectly this morning.  I sat and thanked God for what was before me.  All of the life going on in nature.  While the world is mostly crazy right now, I am so thankful that He gave me this small gift, this moment of just being one with the world.  Of being an observer and a participate in the same moment.  We are all of one world and this morning I got to see the goodness in just being in His presence.  For that I am very thankful!

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