Friday, March 4, 2022

Today is going to be a better day at work

 Yes, today is going to be better than yesterday. I am determined.  Nothing happened at work yesterday.  Not that I need anything out of the ordinary to happen.  I have definitely had my fill of that for the year.  But yesterday I sat around at my desk, staring at my computer most of the day with nothing to do.  The phone didn't even ring that much it seemed.  Ah, well.

This feeling is hard for me to articulate.  I do a lot for a lot of people at work.  But yesterday was so unfulfilling and I haven't felt like that in a long time.  It's not that I need additional duties, as I feel I do enough and the company more than gets its money's worth.  I just kept having this nagging feeling that I wasn't doing my job because there really was not a job to do.  

I know that in some ways I have plateaued at work.  That's ok but it creates this constant feeling of "now what?"  I will admit that it's hard watching others around me continue to rise while I sit stationary.  And it's rare now a days to get asked to do something.  And I see duties I used to have be assigned elsewhere.  It's frustrating.

I don't know.  I just had to get it out.  Today will be better.  There will be coffee and doughnuts at least.

That is all

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