Monday, February 5, 2024

Christmas is finally put away


Well, it has taken me nearly 6 weeks, but Christmas is finally all packed away.  I had not planned on it taking so long, but after getting sick in January right about the same time that school got underway, I just got behind.  Like I have said before, I was not in any hurry.  I had no plans on entertaining or having company during this time, so what not get a little done at a time.

These past two weekends though were the big haul for me.  Once I finally got the toy tree down, everything else seemed to fall into place quite easily.  I will miss the glow of the Christmas tree in the den.  It was not only comforting but also provided really good like for a room that is otherwise fairly dark LOL  Oh well.  Not enough of a reason to keep it up all year.  Though I did consider that!

I did take this opportunity to do an inventory of my Christmas decorations.  It started out as more of an organizing project.  My goal was to put like things in the same container as I listed them all.  That worked until about halfway through the process and then I was like just get it into a box.  But I have made a good start on getting the decorations more organized and can build upon that next year.  However, I did continue my inventory process and now at least I know where everything is in what box.  I didn't list the ornaments because that would have taken me until May.  It's the little things here, people!

So, everything is out in the garage now....organizing that space is also on the list this year LOL  So, until the next holiday season, it will all stayed tucked away for now.  I'm glad it's done and now I can go through other boxes and put some new fun things out!  

That is all. 

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