Tuesday, March 7, 2023

Rebuilding Life

 "White.  A blank page or canvas.  The challenge:  bring order to the whole.  Through design, composition, tension, balance, light and harmony."

                        Stephen Sondheim, Sunday in the Park with George

I love these lyrics and they are very appropriate to life right now.  Things change rapidly these days and it is time for me to start rebuilding who I am.  That is something that has gotten lost in the mix over thepast decade.  This is both a very scary and a very exciting time in my life.  I am a blank page and will begin building from the ground up.  

Over the next few months, my focus will be on the following things:  finances, career, family, friends and happiness.  I will rediscover these things that I feel I have let go of.  While I am sad that I am at that point, meaning these things need a major overhaul, I am excited to start anew.  Hopefully I will be able to multitask and work on all of these cohesively.  

I am putting myself back in control of my own life, of my own happiness.  While I do enjoy seeing to it that others are happy, it is time for some self-care.  In the end, that will make seeing others happy all the more satisfying for me.  

There is a long road ahead, but I am ready for the journey.

That is all.

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