Sunday, March 26, 2023

Thought for the day - Taking Sunday off

 I have decided to take Sunday off.  It is the day of rest, after all!  Now, I'm very much a list person, as you know.  Each day I have a list of things I want to get done before and after work and on the weekends.  I try to be as productive as possible so that I don't feel like I'm wasting my day away.  This week, I have been pretty good with things.  Each day, I try to get at least 5 things done on my list.  There are always 10 things on my list, by the way.  And this week, I have done that.  Each day I have gotten at least 5 of the 10 things done and I am happy with that accomplishment.  

So, as I sit here having my coffee, I decided that today, I'm just going to see what life brings to me.  I don't want to be obligated to get anything done or be anywhere at a certain time.  It's a very freeing feeling to have.  Now, this is not to say that I won't do anything.  I am just not going to pressure myself to do anything. If something productive gets done, great.  If not, great.  I am just going to relax and enjoy this day.  Hopefully this will be something that I can do every Sunday.  I think it's important and a vital part of self care to give myself a day off each week.  I work hard during the week and I think I deserve that.

So, now, I'm going to refill my coffee mug and ponder what I may or may not do today, with a smile on my face.

That is all.

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