Thursday, April 27, 2023

10 Things to Remind Myself Of

There are a lot of things changing in my life right now.  Hopefully, for the better.  But it's easy to get mired down and depressed about things from time to time.  That's natural.  And it's natural to be scared when you're going through change.  So, I thought of a few things that I will remind myself of when I have doubts.

1. Be kind to myself

2.  Don't let myself be undervalued

3.  This time is all about me.  

4.  There is no shame in asking for help

5.  I don't have to say yes to everything

6.  If I'm struggling, let someone know

7.  Rediscover the things I enjoy that I have set aside

8.  If I begin to sell myself short, step back and remember it's not true

9.  Finish projects I start

10.  Do things for myself as often as possible

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