Saturday, April 29, 2023

The Continuing Adventures of Just a Waiter

 I don't mind helping out at work wherever I'm needed.  If you as most of the people that I work with, they will tell you that is true.  Just last night I helped out in the dining room because they were a little short staffed.  I had a good time, as I always do in the dining room.  I feel like I have a good work ethic.  I understand that the most important thing we can do as a team is to make sure that our residents' lives are as stress free as possible.  That's why I will do almost anything that is asked of me.  I live and work for my residents those 8 hours every day that I am at work.

But I have come to truly realize during this chaotic time in my life that I often spread myself too thin by doing too much.  While I don't think that my overall productivity suffers from that, I do believe that my mental health has.  I really don't know how to define myself at work anymore.  I've gotten myself into a position where, in many ways, I have become irreplaceable.  If they were to hire another CSR to take my place, chances are that person is not going to be asked to do 90% of what I do on a daily basis.  Those tasks would return to the departments where they originated.  

It's definitely a double-edged sword.  While I am honored that those above me trust me with these tasks, I also wonder if I get them because no one else will or wants to do them?  I guess, in the end, it doesn't matter because things need to get done and I see that they do.  It simply makes me ask what about my job now has anything to do with the job I was hired to do.  Is it ok for me to say no?  I know that I have every right to refuse things that are out of my realm, but I rarely do because I know it's for the good of my residents.  Ah, well.

Anyway, this is a good learning experience for me.  I know that wherever I end up next, I am going to keep closer tabs on myself and not become that go to person that is both reliable and yet expendable.  That is all.  

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