Tuesday, April 18, 2023

The Lord Bless You and Keep You - John Rutter

 When I first began this post, I was thinking about all of the daily violence in our country and how the politicians, on all sides, hide behind the phrase "thoughts and prayers".  I was angry and looking to God to figure out some things about it all and why it continues to happen.  I have my own feelings about thoughts and prayers and I am very selective when I use that phrase, but that's a blog for another time.  I was looking for something of prayer and blessing and beauty to guide my blog and came across this version of John Rutters "The Lord Bless You and Keep You".  Now, I have heard this song for decades in many venues, but I have never heard it as beautifully done as this.  I actually stopped while I was writing and really listened.  And now I feel more at peace.  Enjoy and be blessed.

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