Monday, January 20, 2025

50 at 50 - Goals for January


I have decided to not put myself under a great deal of pressure with this list.  It's supposed to be something fun to me to do throughout the year, not a list of "must do's" so if I do not finish, I will be ok.  But I still want to finish it by December 5, 2025. Having gotten that out of the way, I will admit that my list, so far, is incomplete.  I've only got 27 things on it at the moment.  That's more than halfway done, though, so there you have it. And I realized that I do not need to come up with 50 things right off the bat.  I can add to (or take away if needed) as the year progresses.  That takes a huge amount of stress off me.  Whew!

January is over halfway done now, and I need to get going on my list.  Some of these things are time specific. Usually, the time is spread out over the entire year, but there are some that need to be done each month. So, I have been reading over the list to see what I need to get done during this 2nd half of the month. One of the things I need to do is finish the book I'm reading and start another one.  I read slowly, so this is definitely a challenge for me. I need to go see Dad and June next weekend. As long as they're home and well, that can happen.  I have given myself some leeway on this one because it really depends on how they are.  I need to treat myself to a meal at a local restaurant. During these times, it's important to give back to the local economy, so I have made one of my goals over this year to do that.  

I've got 11 days left to get this done and hopefully one or two more things.  We will see how it goes.  Here's to 50 at 50!!

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