Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Daily Challenge Update


It's amazing how many boxes can pile up out in the garage.  It seems like everywhere I turn, there they are. Some are still in box shape, and some have been deconstructed and are flat. Yet, there they are in every nook and cranny of the garage.  So, each time I go out there, I make it my mission to get rid of several of them.  And because of that my recycling fills up pretty quickly.  I am almost to the point of using Lois's recycling bin in addition to mine, with her permission of course!

That is one thing that I am working on each day out there.  I am also trying to get things back onto the shelves to create more floor space.  When I got all of my Christmas decorations out, everything went onto the floor first and the boxes tended to stay there during the holiday season.  Now, I am getting them back into place, chocked full of holiday goodness!  It may not seem like much, but it is a start.  And yes, I can see more of the floor than I could a week ago. And now that I have the Christmas decorations down, I can start going through other boxes out there and see what I can let go of.  I have to start somewhere, and I am pleased with how this is going so far.

That is all. 

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