Sunday, January 19, 2025

Daily Challenge - The Garage

 I've decided to start my daily challenges this year with a big least for me.  My garage looks like hell and it's driving me crazy.  It's got stuff in it that belongs to about 4 different people.  Yes, that is intentional for several reasons.  But it is so unorganized that I just cannot stand it. I am partly to blame for this because one, it's my garage after all, and two, when Jason moved in, I was not around to supervise the storage of things going into the garage.  They had to be put close to the front simply because that was the only space available at the time. It is all my fault for not making room.  I also did not realize exactly how much stuff that was going to be, but I welcomed Jason and Marc to put whatever they needed to in there and I do not regret that decision. Their move out of their home was fairly quick so I was happy to provide space.

But right now, I am in the process of getting my Christmas decorations put away. I realize that we're more than halfway through January, but with the winter weather we had last weekend, I didn't feel like skating across the patio on a sheet of ice to get the boxes for the decorations.  Well, when I went in this week to get them, it was a complete mess.  When I pulled the boxes out, I put other boxes in other places.  And it just went downhill from there. Again, I don't regret those actions because my holidays were wonderful, and my beautiful house was a big part of that.  

So, my challenge for this month, or what's left of it and going forward, is to get out into the garage each day and sort.  Even if it's only for 15 minutes, each little session will help in the long run.  Now, this is going to be challenging because of the time of year.  It's cold right now and, of course, the garage is not heated.  Also, with daylight savings time, it gets dark early still and by the time I get home from work, the sun is setting.  But yes, there is a light out there. It's just a matter of making myself do it after a long day's work.  There are always the dark mornings too that I can get in there for a few minutes.  

If I can get to work on this, I know I will feel better.  I always feel better when things are in order.  And it's also fun for me to go through boxes, as you know, and take trips down memory lane.  We shall see how this goes.  Today will be my first challenge and, as I am off today, I think I can make it happen.

That is all. 

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