Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Throwing Out Old Underwear? I Don't Think So!

 I'm the kind of person who will wear something until I simply can't anymore.  That is one of the reasons that I almost never buy any piece of clothing that is trendy.  I always buy traditional, classic style clothes because they really never go out of fashion.  I think that part of this comes from being the second child and wearing Bill's hand me downs a lot of the time.  The clothes still had plenty of wear left in them and there was no need to discard them if they were still useful.  How much would we save if we did that with most of the things in our lives, eh?  Ah, well.  It never bothered me that they weren't brand new, I was always excited to have new to me clothes.  And that still rings true today.  I tend to buy secondhand clothes in good shape because they're good clothes and it's easier on the budge. 

But, back to my point, I will wear something until I simply can't anymore.  I still have t-shirts from high school that I wear.  And it is not because of sentimental value, mostly.  It is because they're still in great shape and look like I bought them just last week. I began noticing last week that some of my underwear has holes in it.  Well, that's not good.  And it's one specific set of underwear that is developing the holes. They aren't exactly the most expensive underwear out there, but they are name brand. But as I was doing laundry last weekend, I noticed several times that this brand had holes in the under seams. Well, I got a few years wear out of them so I cannot complain.  Still, I'm not going to wear holey underwear because that really defeats the purpose of underwear.  

However, after washing and drying them, I did not throw them out.  Anytime I have clothes with damage like rips or holes that cannot be fixed, into the rag box they go.  I realized that the fabric itself is still in good shape, so why throw it out?  That's what we did growing up.  I can't tell you how many times I polished furniture when I was a kid with a can of Pledge in one and an old pair of Dad's underwear in the other.  Why not?  It works.  It reduces waste.  And it saves me from buying paper towels which I only do now at Jason's request, really.  I use dish towels and rags for most everything these days.  The older I get the more I hate to be wasteful, and a sturdy pair of cotton boxer briefs does just as well as two sheets of Bounty for me!

So now it's time to add underwear to my shopping list.  Yes, I still have good underwear available so no worries there.  But my rag box is getting full and that's just the way it is!

That is all. 

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