Saturday, July 20, 2024

International Travel Bucket List

 I have never travelled internationally.  It's been on my bucket list for years.  One of the things that keeps me from it, to be honest, is I do not enjoy flying.  But I am going to have to get over that if I want to check some of these places off.  Whether or not it will ever happen, it is still nice to dream and have goals.  

I watch travel programs all the time.  Rick Steve's Europe is one I really enjoy.  Anthony Bourdain's food travel shows are great too.  And I watch programs on world hotels a lot too.  Of course, those are always posh places I could never afford but still fun to watch. Mom went to England once and it really was the trip of her lifetime.  I would love to have some kind of experience like that!  Here are, in no particular order, 10 places I would love to go.  

1. Greece

2. Germany

3. Brazil

4. India

5. The Caribbean

6. Japan

7. Canada

8. Mexico

9. Italy

10. England

Now, where would you like to go?  Any place I haven't mentioned?  Let me know!

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