Saturday, July 6, 2024

The Annie music box

 When I was in first grade, the movie Annie was getting ready to hit the theaters.  It was on Broadway several years earlier and was also touring the country.  I was very excited to see it and Annie stuff was everywhere.  Toys, dolls, coloring books, clothes, wigs, etc.  Of course, we did go see the film when it opened.  It was a special treat on a Sunday after church.  I, of course, loved it.  The family tolerated it LOL  But Mom got me the soundtrack record and I played it all the time.  

Well, another thing that my first-grade year brought into my life is a love for music boxes. Mrs. Richmond, my teacher, brought a music box to show and tell for us to see and I was hooked.  She would bring one in almost every week and share it with the class.  I loved it!!  Of course, I had to tell Mom how much I enjoyed this new to me thing and it took off.  Music boxes became a staple gift to me for the next 20 years.  I have a whole collection somewhere I need to dig out of a box....probably in the garage LOL

Anyway, early on in my 2nd grade year, I get to school and Mrs. McClarty, my teacher, tells me that Mrs. Richmond wanted to see me before classes started.  I had no clue what she wanted but I went to the next building and found her classroom.  There she showed me the Annie music box that had just been issued.  I was in heaven.  Of course, it plays "Tomorrow".  Two of my favorite things combined into one.  What more could I have asked for?

Fast forward to that Christmas.  I got my Annie music box under the tree.  I cherished it. I still do.  I unearthed it several months ago and love having it out. It still plays!  Ah, these are good memories.  I think I'll go give it a play!

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